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  • Reply to: Scott Walker Still Won’t Negotiate, Even Under His Own Terms   11 years 2 months ago
    What about this?
  • Reply to: After Zimmerman, Let’s End Stand Your Ground   11 years 2 months ago
    I so agree with you Tom. Condoning murder and then expecting the victim's family to pay for the perpetrator's lawyer is SICKENING. It looks like the NRA has invoked a propensity for violence among gun owners. Any entity that would back such a law is clearly looking out for their own best interest on the 'greed agenda'. This is a way to sell more guns and ammunition. It's a way to get rid of the lower class and minorities. After all, how many middle and upper class citizens are killed by guns ? There's many more agendas behind this crap. This whole idea should NEVER have been given the chance to become law ! What kind of life form thought this up? They sure as hell weren't human beings !
  • Reply to: After Zimmerman, Let’s End Stand Your Ground   11 years 2 months ago
    Was George born with a psychology gene? So two black teens can speak for all black teens? How many times did George fire a weapon? Could he of done the smart thing? Did George serve or enlist to serve his country? Trayvon was 5'11, 158lbs. George was 5'7', 204lbs. George shot him in the heart point blank with a hollow point bullet. Black folks don't call police, besides he thought he lost him. He had ear buds in his ears while on the phone. George lived there for 4 years, there were only 3 streets. He was the Neighborhood Watch Captain. You mean to tell me he didn't know where to catch Trayvon. First aid for two scratches on his head that he said was repeatedly banged on the concrete. 25 - 30 times. No x-rays to verify his nose was ever broken. What we don't know is who threw the first punch, all we have is George's many tales. So Trayvon could of and should of had the right to stand his ground. What was your state of mind at 17 and 28? You should know if someone is scared to death, they will fight. Now re-write you story from a black person perspective. It is so easy to blame the victim. George's story changed so much and made no logical sense. Any one with an ounce of common sense would know he was lying or maybe not.
  • Reply to: After Zimmerman, Let’s End Stand Your Ground   11 years 2 months ago
    Would love to see it happen all over America. But, alas, with the powerful, despicable NRA lovers and their powerful lobby, it'll never happen in the USA with republicons in charge. Just remember the outcome of the Sandy Hook gun legislation. Unbelievable. The wild west is alive and well in America.
  • Reply to: After Zimmerman, Let’s End Stand Your Ground   11 years 2 months ago
    What?! You're 17. You are emotionally still a boy. You are in your daddy's complex. You are talking to a good friend, making jokes, talking trash 'cause it's a girl. Somebody is clearly following you. In a TRUCK! Now they're out of the truck, in your face with a gun! I do NOT for one minute believe a coward like Zimmerman kept his gun under wraps. He intended to scare the F--- out of this boy, or kill this boy -- and this was clearly a boy because there was no way in God's name Zimmerman didn't know this was a boy, also, just like you and I would have known. Had Trayvon been a MAN, this coward would have never left the safety of his truck. Guaranteed. His finger pushed just a little too hard on that trigger, and he quickly concocted a story, just like he has always done in the past, especially to escape the wrath of an unforgiving father for careless and thoughtless offenses in the past that could sully the reputation of his life as a judge. And judging from Zimmerman's quick and easy way with a lie, his father may have cared more for his community reputation than the erosion of his son's moral standing. And fear. At any rate, no way can ANYBODY on the face of the earth justify this child's death, ESPECIALLY at the mercy of this trigger-happy, known coward and liar.
