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  • Reply to: State Capitols in North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Florida Rumble with Citizen Protest   11 years 1 month ago
    Do we have short memories? Is there a thinking mind among the leadership in these states? It seems to me it was the USSR , China, and a few other countries that we criticized for their people's inability to protest. And it seems to me we fought a war in Europe when the Nazi's were pulling some of this stuff. We keep hearing from the right wing that there should be LESS government in our lives...they seem to want more government control of our minds, and our much for less government!
  • Reply to: Congressmen Pocan and Ellison Introduce "Right to Vote" Constitutional Amendment   11 years 1 month ago
    As bad as bush grew our monsterous government can you have imagined how terrible gore would have been. I still feel we may not survive Obama. America. It was fun while it lasted. A nation wide Detroit.
  • Reply to: Scott Walker, GOP Slip ALEC Education Agenda Into Wisconsin Budget   11 years 1 month ago
    Rahm Emmanuel is doing the same thing in Chicago. I got so sick of what was going on that I moved out of the city. I saw the writing on the wall and took my retirement, even though I could have taught for a few more years. I loved my job and my kids, but I could no longer stand the system. The politicians (national, state, and local) and their corporate bed partners are behind the fall of the U.S. economy. Now they are trying to find ways to fix what was once a well run school system. I now see it is happening in other states. It's all about money. They've milked the country until it was no longer able to function financially and now they're pointing fingers at each other. Makes me want to cry.
  • Reply to: Seven Faces of NRA/ALEC-Approved "Stand Your Ground" Law   11 years 1 month ago
    Center Stage, has done it again. On Friday night, the host came to the internet airwaves to engage in a critical discussion about the controversial "Stand Your Ground" Law and its relevance to the Trayvon Martin case and the Florida v. Zimmerman verdict with the topic: "Stand Your Ground Law: Self-Defense or License to Kill." With a panel of three criminal attorneys from Florida and a sociology professor, she was able to engage the audience in topics that ranged from reform or repeal, the application of the law, flaws in the law, the importance of jury selection, race and the law, and a deep discussion about the Zimmerman verdict. Insightful, informative, and an incredible discussion!!! If you missed it live, you have the chance to be there now." "Stand Your Ground Laws: Self-Defense or License to Kill," a must hear podcast
  • Reply to: Dick Durbin to Hold Senate Hearings on ALEC, the NRA, and "Stand Your Ground"   11 years 1 month ago
    "I am one of the youngest murder victims in our great Nation's history, but the media doesn't care to cover the story of my tragic demise...." This is a very uninformed comment that seeks to distract from the issue at-hand; a problematic piece of legislation called "Stand Your Ground". Having had a number of family members murdered including one of my closest just a few weeks ago(and with many unsolved), I still oppose this law.
