Recent comments

  • Reply to: ALEC at 40: Turning Back the Clock on Prosperity and Progress   11 years 3 weeks ago
    I just reviewed the ALEC report and find it interesting to note that absolutely no legislation from California was on that list. Guess California isn't as crazy as some people claim. Oh, that's right, only the right-wing radicals seem to think that.
  • Reply to: Groups Charge ALEC with Tax Fraud over Secretive "Scholarship" Fund that Finances Junkets for State Lawmakers   11 years 3 weeks ago
    Just want to thank CMD/AlecExposed and Common Cause for your hard work on getting to this point. What is summed up in a press release, I'm sure, took months of work. The fact that the IRS has not gone after their fake tax status for 40 years is not a good sign for what they might do with this (but I am still hopeful), and as importantly, ALEC members are feeling the heat of serious legal scrutiny, and more and more citizens being aware and angry every day... Keep up the good work and look forward to updates. Please let us know what media this appears in, too. We need to get this out as much as possible.
  • Reply to: ALEC at 40: Turning Back the Clock on Prosperity and Progress   11 years 3 weeks ago
    Not a comment about the article itself but its delivery. The email from Center for Media and Democracy was routed by gmail not only to my spam file but highlighted with a red bar and a warning lable - "Be careful with this message. Similar messages were used to steal people's personal information. Unless you trust the sender, don't click links or reply with personal information. Learn more" While an automatic spam filter might decide the message is spam since I delete similar, in format, emails, that extra alert is something else. Is there actually a case with phishers using prwatch-type emails to get info?
  • Reply to: Taxpayer Dollars Subsidize ALEC Birthday Bash   11 years 3 weeks ago
    Taxpayers complain and complain and complain about how their hard earned dollars are spent mindlessly by the government officials...BUT we do NOTHING to stop the practice! What is wrong with the present day complainers? Why don't we hold our officials responsible? Why do we go like lambs quietly to the slaughter? Taxpayers had better wise up soon and speak up with their votes or our freedom of speech will not be the only thing that's lost to these huge corporations!
  • Reply to: A Side of Climate Change Denial with Your Coffee? ALEC Dishes up Some Hard to Swallow Spin with the Heartland Institute   11 years 3 weeks ago
    Interesting that Transcanada is owned by the Chinese. The Chinese are surging ahead with their own green energy, subsidizing solar investigation and production. They want the Keystone pipeline to pipe their oil through America and a water aquifer for 8 states, so that they can pick it up and take it China. Meanwhile they are jumping in to deny climate change so that America will fall behind them, even more than we are already.
