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  • Reply to: "Welcome Home, War!": Pennsylvania and the Marcellus Shale   11 years 6 days ago
    We're now left with the fruition of Hyek and von Mises Reaganomics. The state is the instrument of big capital. Big capital is commoditizing the whole planet, and outer space, for profit. Like a boa constrictor slowly strangling its victim to death, we the people are helpless in the lethal embrace of military-backed big capital. A public takeover is the rise of democratic institutions independently of big capital or of the threat of force. A public takeover requires citizen participation in more than biannually casting a ballot at the voting booth. Self-government requires a commitment to self-government. Then the public has government by consent of the governed, as opposed to government by consent of big capital. Public takeover: it's up to us, not them. We can beat the greedy thugs if we organize.
  • Reply to: Failing Up to the Fed, A Reporters' Guide to the Paper Trail Surrounding Larry Summers   11 years 1 week ago
    In the shadows, between 2000-2008, the OTC derivatives market grew from $95.2 trillion to $672.6 trillion, notational value. When the dark market deals started to go sour, the impact was felt around the world. The man who was featured on the cover of Time Magazine as part of the “Committee to Save the World” with Robert Rubin and Alan Greenspan in 1999, instead helped bring it to its knees.
  • Reply to: Koch Industries Exposed for Bribery, Secret Iran Sales and More   11 years 1 week ago
    koch should always be pronounced with a short "o".
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as "Junk Food"   11 years 1 week ago
    You say Type 1 Diabetes isn't your fault. I'm so sick of that excuse. Type 2 Diabetes and other illnesses are not always diet and exercise related. By the way, no one is perfect. Are you saying you are perfect? Protected sex, not drinking (not even an ounce of alcohol), not one puff on a cigarette, not one experiment of any illicit drugs, always followed doctors orders to the letter? Everyone in America has it is your fault. That is why no one runs for the cure for lung cancer only breast cancer. It's great that you are self-sufficient but shit happens and one day you may be knocked off your high horse and need some assistance. That's not a lack of self-respect. Do you go to college and get federal backed student loans or your parents get PLUS loans? Do you return your tax refund to the taxpayers? Are you claiming middle class and small business welfare? Welfare is welfare.
  • Reply to: Virginia Rep: Disabled Kids are Punishment from God (Or Not)   11 years 1 week ago

    Abortion is a bad word for a good thing. Mechancally preventing/ending an unwanted fertilization/pregnancy is much preferred to ingesting chemicals for that.
    Use of condoms as well, is a good choice - to block any disease transmission, as well.
    I aborted about a dozen pregnancies myself as well as with professional medical aid before I had my second child. Who is now 43 and an accountant and lovely, of course, Left, etc.
    Religion, except for easing the pain of these lives in capitalism, or for bringing people together to build socialist communist revolution, is altogether bad, the main tool our Owners use to keep us down. It is self-oppression. Among the many guilts it has you run on yourself, it makes you think abortion is a bad thing.
