Recent comments

  • Reply to: Wisconsin Citizens Speak Out about Raw Milk   11 years 2 weeks ago
    the only reason people had to start pasteurizing milk in the first place is because of the industrial revolution. The cows were treated as machines and not animals, and were in extremely poor living conditions, making the cows sick, and the milk unsafe to drink. If your cows are cared for properly you don't have to worry about getting sick from raw milk. You just have to know your farmer and how the cows are raised. There is no way in the world i would drink raw milk from any of the farmers around here. And besides, if you can smoke and drink and chew tobacco, shouldn't you be able to choose the type of milk you want? If its not hurting you then let it be.
  • Reply to: About ALEC Exposed   11 years 2 weeks ago
    How do I find a list of corporate members that we could encourage to drop the memberships?
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Citizens Speak Out about Raw Milk   11 years 3 weeks ago
    "and ensure that the milk meets the same quality standards as Grade A milk. The farms will NEVER be able to comply with this strict standard unless they test at least twice every milking like modern, clean, safer, more regulated milk plants are subject to! This guy is not very smart (Representative Chris Danou (D-Trempeauleau) spoke in favor of the bill: "This is exactly the kind of thing we want to encourage in rural Wisconsin: farmers adding value to their own product, getting their neighbors involved in the business," he said.) Apparently this representative doesn't understand basic food science practices or have any understanding of how important the real legitimate dairy industry is to Wisconsin. What is the situation here, that dairy farmers that want to sell milk can't buy a pasteurizer? Baloney, they can buy one they just don't want to. The don't care about their customers safety or health! They just want the fast buck in selling a dangerous product. The practice of selling raw milk to the general public discontinued with the invention of the more modern "miracle" food science processing technology called pasteurization was implemented. The reason, because people, as much as 25% of all food related illness before pasteurization came from raw dairy milk. Why would anyone in their right mind want to take us back to the dark ages of sickness, illness and even in extreme cases, death? Where has the common sense in our society gone? Wisconsin has built a reputation of being the dairy state, much of the economy is based on this industry, why would you want to jeopardize it and allow the sale of raw milk? Any consumer that wants to drink raw milk have an option, go buy a cow, keep it on a farm, (rent space) and travel there to get your milk. Claims raw milk has some special properties and is healthier than milk that has been pasteurized is pure baloney and hogwash. The dairy farmer that spouts this kind of nonsense is trying to rip you off, they are modern day snake oil salesmen. For the real story on raw milk consumption, learn from real science and facts, click here: and for real life stories of how raw milk can make people very sick, click here: and for a real recent outbreak story, click here:
  • Reply to: WI Senate Fast-Tracks Bill to Close Forest to Benefit Out-of-State Mining Firm   11 years 3 weeks ago
    it's not just the back taxes--it's the increased taxes they would face for the land being a mine without the managed forest tax break.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Attorney General Seeks to Vitiate Open Records Law to Protect ALEC’s National Treasurer   11 years 3 weeks ago
    These people are fascists.
