Recent comments

  • Reply to: Wisconsin Attorney General Seeks to Vitiate Open Records Law to Protect ALEC’s National Treasurer   11 years 1 week ago
    I think the US AG, Eric Holder, should investigate and eventually prosecute ALEC and its members for posing as legally elected lawmakers in the various states they exist. It's fraudulent behavior in my view. They should be prosecuted for making laws that no one can seem to get to to review before they are enacted by state legislators. There's no debate. That's the way conservatives think government should work. Is this not one of the major reasons people came to this country in the first place? They could not live in the deplorable conditions the rulers (kings, queens, dictators) pressed on them. Now it seems that many in conservative ranks want to return us to centuries old practices that only aid the wealthy!
  • Reply to: Buzz off, Monsanto   11 years 1 week ago
    The importance of banning the neonics goes beyond American borders. Huge tracts of Africa have been bought up by Big Ag in America and China, among others, which no doubt will become the next toxic location on planet Earth. Hello! It's an issue of global concern and needs IMMEDIATE protection from becoming contaminated by poisons. Is that where we'll be importing all our (expensive) food from? Did somebody say Organic?"
  • Reply to: U.S.-Funded War in El Salvador Casts Shadow over Romney/Ryan Campaign   11 years 2 weeks ago
    Hey moron if you knew anything other then the 'hate America' mind set you would know that we didn't do those things. For example, The Sandinistas in Nicaragua were raping and killing the Nicaraguan civilians and tried to blame it on the U.S. backed Contra Rebels and that FACT was proven AFTER John Kerry, (1985?),expressed his outrage in front of the U.S. Congress about the supposed atrocities that were being committed by the Contras. (imagine that....John Kerry ended up with his foot in his mouth, because it really was the Sandistas), It is important that you be reminded that the Soviets were backing the Sandinistas at the same time they were supporting the El Salvadoran rebels. Here are some more facts for you and maybe you'll see a pattern developing. When the Soviets invaded Poland during WWII the Polish people were shocked at the amount of rapes and killing of civilians by Soviet troops. Even the Polish communists who supported Joseph Stalin were shocked at what was going on and asked that he do something. Stalin's response.....look it up it will astound you. After WWII when the Soviets took over East Germany... same story as Poland. When the U.S. finally took Okinawa the civilians were told to commit mass suicides because they were told that the U.S. Army would rape, torture and murder them. (Propaganda). Many Okinawans did commit suicide and the ones that didn't were amazed at how well our military treated them and how civilized the members of our military really were. I'm really getting fed up with the left wing lunatic media organizations pushing the same America is bad' narrative and equally fed up with the left wing morons that are too stupid to pick up a book and read but rather depend on the left wing lunatic media to provide them with an education. To hell with the social networking,....Please pick up a book and frckn READ!
  • Reply to: Outsourcing America: Sodexo Food Service Contractor Siphons Cash from Kids and Soldiers while Dishing Up Subprime Food   11 years 2 weeks ago
    The more you source out the more you will have social unrest in the future.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Citizens Speak Out about Raw Milk   11 years 2 weeks ago
    Raw milk is normally not homogenized and this is the most powerful advantage over normal diary milk because the fat is not likely to pass direct in the blood. It also has more germs than pasteurized milk, which should be taken into consideration by feeding babies and it has to be consumed immideatly I was fed with raw milk and did not have any problems with it.
