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  • Reply to: CEOs with Platinum Plated Pensions Want to Raise Social Security Eligibility to 70   10 years 9 months ago
    It never fails to amaze me, that those who GET their money the EASIEST, such as trustafarians, union workers, government workers (yeah, probably a repeat of the previous entity), and real estate "developers",to name a few, are SO UNDESERVEDLY SMUG about their wealth, as if it were some "natural order" that had elevated them above their fellows. This group also includes Congressmen, politicians of any kind and a host of other leeches, ALL of whom are SO STINGY, they tip like John D Rockefeller (reputedly NEVER gave MORE than one thin dime), and LOVE telling people "if you WORK hard, and MANAGE your money, you TOO can become wealthy!: HAH! ONLY the LUCKY get rich!! It has SO LITTLE to do with TALENT, SKILL, work-ethic, or ANY other thing that PURE LUCK, it's NOT funny! It's an AXIOM that some people can FALL INTO A CESSPOOL, and come out holding FISTS FULL OF $100 BILLS! That is PURE LUCK, in its extreme, but extremely accurate, form! Sadly, the FORTUNE these nitwits ENJOY makes them STUPID, and allows them to BELIEVE it happened BECAUSE they were "so talented, industrious, well-informed, on-the-ball, etc" that the result was INEVITABLE! NOTHING could be FURTHER from the TRUTH! While there IS "some" element of personal involvement affecting the outcome. it has FAR MORE to do with each person's PERSONAL" line in the sand" as to MORALS, HONESTY and HUMILITY, than it does with their "efforts"! It's time to START acting on this, and REFUSING to accept the MYTH of "personal importance" these half-witted slaggards have FOISTED on the rest of us, to perpetuate their evil scheme!
  • Reply to: CMD Exposes America’s “Highest Paid Government Workers”   10 years 9 months ago
    The hard facts are that corporate America owns our Government. Amnesty for illegals is a prime example of big business shoving their agendas down our throats. CEO's get the attention that the constituent is supposed to have. The power lobbies and pork barrel legislation are the style by which they rob us blind. I thought that if we organized a publicly controlled election system with all campaign funds coming from tax deduction fund of say $3.00/ head and no other funds allowed, would squeeze out the big funders and allow capable people to run for any office. My thoughts were that once the people gained control of their Government's officials they could chip away at the power people. No CEO should be making more than 2 million a year. I want to go after them and the ridiculously high salary of our Congress.
  • Reply to: CEOs with Platinum Plated Pensions Want to Raise Social Security Eligibility to 70   10 years 9 months ago
    Nucking futs!
  • Reply to: Corporate America's New Scam: PR Firm Poses as Think Tank   10 years 9 months ago
    Awesome article. The first link, to the Berkeley study, is to the address of Saltsman's Washington Post article.
  • Reply to: Astroturf “Fix the Debt” Caught Ghostwriting for College Students   10 years 9 months ago
    <p>We will get that credited to DeficitHacks!&nbsp; Thank you!!</p>
