A number of years ago, the IRS instituted new requirements for non-profits filing form IRS 990. We are now required to have standing policies governing executive compensation, public disclosure of information, conflict of interest, document destruction and retention, and WHISTLEBLOWERS! The policy for whistleblowers includes a provision for non-retaliation. If our government and for-profit corporations decline to comply with such basic ethical policies, why on earth should any non-profit be expected to comply? It seems to me that it is just another version of "don't ask and don't tell" or "don't snitch". Just another example of the rules do not apply to everyone.
(1) Actually, almost everybody in the country pays taxes: FICA (Social Security), sales and other taxes. Further, as the Institute for Tax and Economic Policy has exhaustively documented, in virtually all states the lowest income quintile pays a higher - often a much higher - portion of their income in state and local taxes than do the top two quintiles or the top 5%
(2) Who uses what amount of government services:well, who has the most to lose in the absence of "domestic peace and tranquility" - it's certainly not the 50% you incorrectly charge with not paying taxes. Who benefits most from the governmental largess in terms of low cost land form ranchers? In terms of airports and a flight control system that works? In terms of schools that educate a ,labor force? In terms of a public health system that limits/eliminates your risk of getting a broad range of diseases, many of which killed people in the past.
I could go on but I think that, if you can reason, you get my point. Of course, a someone once said, ":there are none so blind as those who will not see."