Recent comments

  • Reply to: Bleeping Jesus   18 years 2 months ago

    I find it depressing, that mature adults, living in a well educated modern society, are still intelectually in cabable of grasping how utterly childish and ignorant is this obsession over what other members of their society do with their genitals in the privacy of their homes. Really, cannot we all grow up here?

  • Reply to: "Vets for Freedom" Fight for Rove and Lieberman   18 years 2 months ago
    In your article, you state that the SBVFT attacks against Senator Kerry were "Smears." In light of revelations regarding Kerry lies about Cambodian excursions, CIA/covert operations and multiple Vietnam "tours," it would seem to me that you fit into the category of the Pot calling the kettle, Black! The absolute truth of the accusations against Kerry is that, for the most part, they REMAIN UNRESOLVED. Which is to say that neither side has been able to produce definitive evidence to support their position. Any claim to the contrary is patently dishonest. The FACT is that the Navy Department declined to investigate the accusations against Senator Kerry. Opting, instead, to confine their comments to weather the paperwork for Kerry's decorations were in order. No other judgment, of any kind, was decided by the Navy's Inspector Generals Office. When a group, such as yours, promotes itself as "The CENTER for media and Democracy," I think you should make an effort to be little more honest. At the very least, you should get your FACTS straight.
  • Reply to: Patient Lobbying   18 years 2 months ago

    I took zyprexa which was ineffective for my condition and gave me diabetes.

    Zyprexa, which is used for the treatment of psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, accounted for 32% of Eli Lilly's $14.6 billion revenue last year.

    Zyprexa is the product name for Olanzapine,it is Lilly's top selling drug.It was approved by the FDA in 1996 ,an 'atypical' antipsychotic a newer class of drugs without the motor side effects of the older Thorazine.Zyprexa has been linked to causing diabetes and pancreatitis.

    Did you know that Lilly made nearly $3 billion last year on diabetic meds, Actos,Humulin and Byetta?

    Yes! They sell a drug that can cause diabetes and then turn a profit on the drugs that treat the condition that they may have caused in the first place!

    I was prescribed Zyprexa from 1996 until 2000.
    In early 2000 i was shocked to have an A1C test result of 13.9 (normal is 4-6) I have no history of diabetes in my family.
    Daniel Haszard

    -tell the truth don't be afraid-

  • Reply to: Restless Drug Promotion   18 years 2 months ago

    The dreaded restless leg syndrome crisis. Yet other epidemic that is
    going to bring down civilization. Marketing induced hypocondria!
    The tragedy is how much attention from real social and planetary emergencies is diverted away by worry wart healthism. Hey, why not
    use those restless legs to walk instead of using your car!
    What good are peaceful, zen-like legs when it is 120 degrees out!

    "If we cared more about CO2 than BMI, there would still be time."

  • Reply to: VFF Loves GI Joe   18 years 2 months ago

    Seems like Lieberman is being selfish. The people have spoken and
    he refuses to accept that. Instead he is going to go ahead and
    create further divisons.
