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  • Reply to: FCC Commissioners Pledge Expanded Inquiry Into Fake News   18 years 3 months ago

    A HEADLINE NEWS SPECIAL | CNN Programs ======= » Glenn Beck »

    In a one-hour special, Glenn Beck will show you the shocking images that help fuel rage against Israel and the West.

    • Watch Glenn tell you why as many Americans as possible should watch his special tonight

    • UK Spy chief: Extremists motivated by ‘sense of grievance’
    • Al Qaeda: Jihad is not over
    • Middle East Media Research Institute

    Glenn Beck has no production facilities. This is clearly a VNR with interludes featuring Glenn Beck and decorative framing. All authors interviews are either vanity rag published or not published at all. There is not a single signature to any reference. This may be the mother of all VNR's.

    Glenn says from the start and several times therein that he is not a journalist but just a regular guy. Duh! He further states that the show is opinionated, conservative by design and generally reflects only his POV and bias. It is neither fair nor balanced, but needs to be watched in order to understand balance. It is simply a journey from congecture to pablem.

    A must see for FCC.

  • Reply to: NBC Rejects Chicks: What's Up With That?   18 years 3 months ago
    I enjoy reading Corp/Gov "Astroturf" these days, it is fun dividing obvious Corp/Gov propaganda from serious citizen statements. Basically all that is needed, is to follow the though's presented in a statement, and determining what the true purpose and intent. The issue of Media monopoly and control is realitively easy to discern, statements regarding this perilous attempt at controlling information are redundant with idiocies such as 'what difference does it make', or 'after all, this is a free country'. About the only American Industry and Commercial (enterprise) that have not been moved into 3rd World slavery, are the Service Industry and minor backup plants retained to correct for error's occurring in our 80% importation of all consumable goods. Check out Americas "Total Debt" that proves we are a wealthy people, what Household in America could otherwise afford their share of about $500,000.00 to pay off this Debt?
  • Reply to: NBC Rejects Chicks: What's Up With That?   18 years 3 months ago
    What happened (and continues) with the Dixie Chicks reminds me of the Media-Echo during the initial planning stages of the Iraq war (lies). France being cut out of the Iraq goodies by the Cheney-Administration, immediately found France backing away (vetoed) the Bush plan to use the United Nation in his illegal war. Just as immediately all of the US Media began an attack-dog war against France, who of course didn't worry about losing French-Fries as a result. At any rate, it all ended at the very same (almost) instant by Corp-Media, once the illegal war was in motion. In researching the issue afterward, I discovered a French diplomat was able to get our State-Dept rep Richard Boucher to admit the Media charges had no basis of proof according to US gov-record, but refused (for some reason) to make the US media stop printing these lies.
  • Reply to: Good and Bad News on Government Information   18 years 3 months ago

    Americans (must) become active in "demanding" that our government open records availability to the citizens of this nation.

    It is being stated by the informed that the great majority of government-records being classified under security directives, have instead been falsely classified to hide government crime, corruption, and failures.

    From the research I have done, I believe this statement is (more than) highly probable. What I have discovered from hard work, is that much past corruption will become worse in the future unless citizens wake up.

    American citizens need join citizen-activist organization's (look out for Corp/Gov-Astroturf organizations) and force FOI laws that will stop our government hiding their failures and crimes as National-Security.

  • Reply to: Rebuttal of the Radio-Television News Directors Association's "Fake TV News" Report Critique   18 years 3 months ago
    Today the general public as a result of being deliberately lied to, are finding out just exactly how (as a result) we have looked and acted the part of complete fools. True some poor folk have recessed themselves into a fearful ball's of denial, but today it is becoming clear that Fascists and liars are losing ground in America. We and the entire world have many problems becoming evident, and this requires informed citizens, informed enough to survive the perils brought by nature and mentally deficient (and greedy) leaders.
