"In light of the forecasted weekend snowstorm in Burlington, now is a great time to remind your readers about the importance of preparing for winter weather."
That could be very helpful indeed for those readers who just moved to Vermont from Florida and who might not yet know their way in the local markets for snowplowing, heating oil, propane and cord wood.
When will DHS and the Neiman Group start putting out pre-written news articles about which bridges to drive over fast and not look back?
For further information on offseting and market approaches to climate change in general, there is this new documentary called The Carbon Connection.
It looks at two communities affected by one new global market – the trade in carbon dioxide. In Scotland a town has been polluted by oil and chemical companies since the 1940s. In Brazil local people's water and land is being swallowed up by destructive monoculture eucalyptus tree plantations. Both communities now share a new threat. As part of the deal to reduce greenhouse gases that cause dangerous climate change, major polluters can now buy carbon credits that allow them to pay someone else to reduce emissions instead of cutting their own pollution.
What this means for those living next to the oil industry in Scotland is the continuation of pollution caused by their toxic neighbours. Meanwhile in Brazil the schemes that generate carbon credits gives an injection of cash for more planting of the damaging eucalyptus tree. The two communities are now connected by bearing the brunt of the new trade in carbon credits. The Carbon Connection follows the story of two groups of people from each community who learned to use video cameras and made their own films about living with the impacts of the carbon market. From mental health issues in Scotland to the loss of medicinal plants in Brazil, the communities discover the connections they have with each other and the film follows them on this journey.
There is an email circulating that when some U S soldiers in Iraq requested to Starbucks to send some of their coffee over to them, "they missed having it". Starbucks declined stating (according to the email) that they are against this War and will give no indication that they support anyone who participates. I understand that Starbucks has that "right" (I wish that military had that same right without fear of "IMPRISONMENT"). Is there anyway that you can ck. this out. The email also noted that the Starbucks on military bases are being removed. thanks
It is truly amazing to me that anybody believed their garbage to begin with. I think it just gave people an excuse to do what they wanted to, even if it defied logic and reason.
That could be very helpful indeed for those readers who just moved to Vermont from Florida and who might not yet know their way in the local markets for snowplowing, heating oil, propane and cord wood.
When will DHS and the Neiman Group start putting out pre-written news articles about which bridges to drive over fast and not look back?
nice score for this excuse for an administration.
the body count went even higher...
even propaganda can't beat demographics
Stephane MOT -
blogules and other Weapons of Mass Disinformation
For further information on offseting and market approaches to climate change in general, there is this new documentary called The Carbon Connection.
It looks at two communities affected by one new global market – the trade in carbon dioxide. In Scotland a town has been polluted by oil and chemical companies since the 1940s. In Brazil local people's water and land is being swallowed up by destructive monoculture eucalyptus tree plantations. Both communities now share a new threat. As part of the deal to reduce greenhouse gases that cause dangerous climate change, major polluters can now buy carbon credits that allow them to pay someone else to reduce emissions instead of cutting their own pollution.
What this means for those living next to the oil industry in Scotland is the continuation of pollution caused by their toxic neighbours. Meanwhile in Brazil the schemes that generate carbon credits gives an injection of cash for more planting of the damaging eucalyptus tree. The two communities are now connected by bearing the brunt of the new trade in carbon credits. The Carbon Connection follows the story of two groups of people from each community who learned to use video cameras and made their own films about living with the impacts of the carbon market. From mental health issues in Scotland to the loss of medicinal plants in Brazil, the communities discover the connections they have with each other and the film follows them on this journey.
40 minutes | PAL/NTSC | English/Spanish/Portuguese subtitles
More information at http://www.carbontradewatch.org/carbonconnection/
There is an email circulating that when some U S soldiers in Iraq requested to Starbucks to send some of their coffee over to them, "they missed having it". Starbucks declined stating (according to the email) that they are against this War and will give no indication that they support anyone who participates. I understand that Starbucks has that "right" (I wish that military had that same right without fear of "IMPRISONMENT"). Is there anyway that you can ck. this out. The email also noted that the Starbucks on military bases are being removed. thanks
It is truly amazing to me that anybody believed their garbage to begin with. I think it just gave people an excuse to do what they wanted to, even if it defied logic and reason.