Recent comments

  • Reply to: What About McCain's Pastor Problem?   16 years 11 months ago

    ...And more men-fearing women! But how can real God-fearing men keep their womenfolk in line when husbands and even pastors toss their haloes in the trash for trysts with hookers, masseurs or just any guy they meet in a men's room?

    Or maybe what America really needs is to stop believing in juvenile myths about a God who blesses this, commands that and abominates the other, and to just "put away the things of a child."

  • Reply to: What About McCain's Pastor Problem?   16 years 11 months ago

    whoever is concerned about McCain's pastor is up in the night. I don't see how any of those views are detrimental to America's best interest. It says in the Bible something about how because the Jews rejected Christ they will be tormented. And it's not an unknown speculation that the Catholic religion was organized as a way to control the people. And oh my goodness, who ever heard of a pastor that was anti homosexuality. What is the world coming to? What America needs is more God fearing men and a lot less "secret combinations"!

  • Reply to: Great Wall of Silence About Tibetan Protests   16 years 11 months ago

    Yahoo and MSN are supporting the Chinese authorities by posting 'wanted' posters for the rioters on their sites. Two of the 24 on the list have already been caught.

  • Reply to: How to Swift Boat Barack Obama?   16 years 11 months ago

    Hillary will either win ugly or lose ugly.

    On a pro-Clinton channel (Limbaugh's Fox), this interview of Karl Rove on "Karl Rove on Barack Obama's Pastor Problem" :,2933,339893,00.html.

    Note Turd Blossom's praise of BHO's speech, followed by a big BUT.

    Stephane MOT -
    blogules and other Weapons of Mass Disinformation


  • Reply to: How to Swift Boat Barack Obama?   16 years 11 months ago

    "as a people", still sounds like Black people
    aren't coming together but talking & reliving yesterday.
    Obama's judgement on 2 hate preachers & now the
    black us the real Obama, not words but his actions show.He surrounded himself with "bad judgement"
    he wants to unite yet his friends do nothing but divide,
    I think it's time all black folks( well not all) STOP blaming white folks, stop blaming the government,to BUILD your OWN communities with love not hate & excuses towards why some- some don't succed.How about those who have moved on.they don't look back because they are to busy moving forward.
    Jesse, Sharpton,Wright are those who keep black people down keep them in hate, anger,the past.
    You are talking to young kids.
    We all have history,Jews,Polish,Irish,Italian,ete:
    You think they haven't had history.
    This is no different then skinhead talk against the Jews.
    THIS HAS TO STOP. If all races can't come together then it weakens America.Just what our enemies want.
    Please look forward with love not hate.
    If your soul is chained to the past then your
    future will be effected.
    I do not trust Obama his judgement shows me
    more then his well spoken "words"
    God Bless us all--ALL
