Recent comments

  • Reply to: Mormon Homophobia: Up Close and Personal   16 years 3 months ago
    <blockquote>"...[W]hich patiently explains that Negroes are 'descendants of Cain' and therefore subject to 'Cain's curse' because their spirits were 'less valiant' than the spirits of white people."</blockquote> The Biblical justification for racism I'd always heard was that blacks are the descendants of Cham, the son of Noah, whom God punished for laughing at his father on seeing him drunk and naked, by making him a servant to his brothers Shem and Japhet. To a certain sort of theological mentality, this Cain theory might well make the racial divide seem all the greater because it moves the origin of the split between white and black much closer to the supposed creation of mankind. Ain't scripture fun? Anyway, Sheldon, thank you for this fine post.
  • Reply to: Mormon Homophobia: Up Close and Personal   16 years 3 months ago
    It will take some time for the individual members of the LDS to separate themselves from the bigotry of the CA election. In 1978, when I worked in a local newsroom as a reporter we got flooded with calls from LDS members accusing us of lying about the changes allowing Blacks into the priesthood. One fellow read me the riot act with as many expletives as you can imagine. When he asked if I agreed with him, I mentioned that being Black and listening to his racism convinced me that he needed a lot more help from his religious leaders than I could give him. He was not pleased. I was.
  • Reply to: Chesapeake's Gas-Powered News   16 years 3 months ago

    In recent years, demand for natural gas has grown substantially. However, as the natural gas industry in the United States becomes more mature, domestically available resources become harder to find and produce.

    As large, conventional natural gas deposits are extracted, the natural gas left in the ground is commonly found in less conventional deposits, which are harder to discover and produce than has historically been the case.Webmaster Forum

    However, the natural gas industry has been able to keep pace with demand, and produce greater amounts of natural gas despite the increasingly unconventional and elusive nature. The ability of the industry to increase production in this manner has been a direct result of technological innovations.

  • Reply to: Auto Association "Empowers" Consumers   16 years 3 months ago

    How to get more out of your car.

    · Drive more smoothly: harsh accelerating and braking use up much more fuel

    · Avoid excessive speed, especially on motorways

    · Watch ahead to anticipate when to slow down or stop well in advance

    · Change gear as soon as possible, ideally around 1,500-2,500 revs

    · Once the engine is warm, turn it off if you are going to stop for longer than a minute

    · Keep tyre pressure at right level

    · Take any excess baggage out of the car, and racks and boxes off the roof

    · Switch off or turn down air conditioning and heating

    · Avoid unnecessary trips

    · Buy a more efficient car

    Hope this can helps you to save the earth.

  • Reply to: Journalists for Sale   16 years 3 months ago

    ...if you believe in the old saws like comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable, or news being what powerful people want to suppress and all the rest being advertising:

    "Furthermore, our network includes some of the top investigative journalists who can help research and/or prepare reports for prospective acquisitions or mergers."

    Wait a second, isn't he the guy Rachel Maddow is filling in for?
