How many people were eating?
Seems to me that if more then 10 people were dining, and depending on where they ate, the cost of $1,038 was not too much.
And the same goes for the measly $252 alcohol tab. Liquor in a restaurant is expensive you know !!!
Guess they should have gone to McDonalds or Burger King, etc.
Either the band is very big or they brought their family along (is that not allowed?). Most decent restaurants charge at least $25.00 per person for a dinner meal.
Just look at the coal-ash spill last week in East Tennessee! And all the damage it has done.
Whey can't this country concentrate on SOLAR and other really clean alternatives. . . . .
We are allowing our once beautiful Earth to become un-livable!!!
Hmmmmm... Bombing Iran?!
What the hell, it's already F'ed (globally)!
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Making the whole world blind that much faster.
BHO said his administration would be transparent and communicative. NOT