Recent comments

  • Reply to: Why Blago Blitzed   16 years 1 month ago

    I could not STAND him! Glad he is out of office! Sorry to hear he will still be around! Like the bad penny that always turns up!

  • Reply to: Fiat Saves the World, and Gets Ads Aired for Free   16 years 1 month ago

    I am not saying this kind of thing is ideal. Obviously they are chiefly out to promote themselves. But companies are never going to stop advertising. So at least more people will know who these people are because of the PR campaign. At least it is not completely mindless.

  • Reply to: Patrick Moore on Drugs   16 years 1 month ago

    Thanks for your comment. Actually, we aren't attacking you (or suggesting people stop "peeing and pooing").

    As media watchdogs, we're simply pointing out that there were undisclosed interests at play. When you write about issues that directly impact your paying clients, we believe you should make clear that you have clients in that particular industry. So, we would have considered it adequate disclosure if, instead of merely identifying yourself as "an adviser to government and industry," you would have identified yourself as "an adviser to government and industry, including pharmaceutical companies."

    Is that something you'd be willing to do?

  • Reply to: Another Sickening Partnership: The CEO of City of Hope Profits From Causing and Curing Disease   16 years 1 month ago
    Well, I read the article and think it's not trying to make you stop smoking, and is not trying to stop anyone from smoking, it's just reporting a interest conflict of people involved on solving health issues and participating in buisiness making them happend. So I think you should moderate your speach, and try to focus on the topic of the article, but this is my opinion only. I'd feel like an ass if I go to these health institutions and get treatment from MDs like this guys, that are also partners of those that sell me tabacco, this is a around the clock biz for them, get money from selling tabacco, get money from treating tabacco health problems, just doesn't feel right, in a stupid analogy, that would be like the car shop owner that fixes a problem in your car, but unscrews a couple other things, just to have you back in a couple weeks, and keep getting money from you. Anyway, tabacco is a long issue, but wanted to add my two cents. RC <strong class="submitted">Submitted by <a href="">recetas de cocina española</a> on Thu, 01/29/2009 - 06:04.</strong>
  • Reply to: No Shame at NBC   16 years 1 month ago

    War is a biz and there's nothing new when I say this, what keeps my amazed is how easy we people defer any ethical dilema and just move forward with this killing people business without even blinking, there's where evil is in these days.

    At least someone is watching at reality and trying to push it to let everybody know, even when is in a small piece of info like this one.

