Recent comments

  • Reply to: FreedomWorks Behind Tax Day Tea Party Protests   15 years 10 months ago

    The argument about Bush putting us in a deficit cannot be defended. But, how does the logic behind saying "you only have problem with deficits now that Obama is in office!" make it right? If people on both sides of the political spectrum would see the common ground (gov't over spending = bad for future of country) then you wouldn't be sniping at each other. This simple piece of logic is repeated by Obama and his administration - but people don't see right through it.

    The tea parties are a good thing regardless of who's behind it. A lot of people showed up because the ISSUE (not the politics) struck a chord.

  • Reply to: FreedomWorks Behind Tax Day Tea Party Protests   15 years 11 months ago

    The deficit doubled the past 8 years because of the war, which has nothing to do with the recession, or "CRISIS" as our uber-positive president likes to call it every time the teleprompter says to. Liberals love to spend and increase the size of government, raising your taxes to pay for it all. Tell me sir how much the deficit is going to increase with the current administration? You might be surprised.

  • Reply to: Four More Fines for Fake News: FCC Says VNRs Are "Valuable Consideration"   15 years 11 months ago
    but I can't help observing how easy it is to order other people from the sidelines to get out there and fight. I'm just glad there's still anyone at all who does.
  • Reply to: Four More Fines for Fake News: FCC Says VNRs Are "Valuable Consideration"   15 years 11 months ago
    Sorry but this excuse doesn't make it. One big reason that fake news has replaced real news is that the supposedly real, professional journalists are not outraged by it. Get out there and fight for real journalism, Janet, don't just make excuses. Either you are a journalist, or a shill, and there should be little middle ground.
  • Reply to: Four More Fines for Fake News: FCC Says VNRs Are "Valuable Consideration"   15 years 11 months ago
    In April 2009, former CN8 reporter Janet Zappala contacted the Center for Media and Democracy to state that: "I am an award-winning journalist who has always taken the utmost pride in my work. ... [At CN8] at the time all of this transpired, we had a very limited staff with very limited resources and were trying to do the best with what little we had. ... We were not set up at the time with our own station website; therefore the only way we could help our viewers find more information on a given topic was to give the only website available. I never endorsed any products or companies."
