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  • Reply to: Deadly Deception: The Tobacco Industry's Secondhand Smoke Cover Up   15 years 9 months ago
    Private property ownership has always come with various constraints, which owners accept in return for legal validation and protection of their ownership and of those rights not specifically constrained. Court decisions concerning those rights come and go, and "consent of the governed" means you get to vote on who makes your laws and appoints your judges. The public has the right not to be "invited" into unhealthful environments. Your perfume experience was unusual, which makes it easy for you to be so tolerant. I'll bet you'd sing a different tune if so many people used perfume in that way, all the time, in so many places you either liked or needed to frequent that it significantly cramped your freedom live your life. And if those people took your attitude, they'd just say, "Tough luck, Woodstock! We're libertarians, so too bad if you don't like it," and Big Perfume would spend millions funding think tanks and marketing campaigns to encourage that attitude. As for transportation, the better the service, the less significant the question of "herding," and electric trolleys would mitigate the problems of buses. Transportation and manufacturing are necessities of modern life; smoking is not a necessity of ANY life, and that makes any risks associated with it, great or small, unnecessary as well. <blockquote>"Oh, and the smoking community is a small enough minority..."</blockquote> Didn't used to be. Progress does happen. <blockquote>...and so like your parent they (big-mommy-state) can take them away.."</blockquote> So it's not just "nanny" but "mommy." Hmm. But yes, the neener-neener-nyah-nyah society may be in decline -- or growing up a bit, to put it more positively.
  • Reply to: Deadly Deception: The Tobacco Industry's Secondhand Smoke Cover Up   15 years 9 months ago
    Back to the top for more column width.
  • Reply to: Bristol-Myers' "Celebrity Patient" Goes off Script   15 years 9 months ago

    I'm not the least bit surprised by this latest revelation!

    Like the rest of the Drug Industry ( Big Pharma) Bristol-Myers Squibb isn't adverse to a panoply of dirty tricks in its SOP arsenal, re: smoke & mirrors, blackmail, threats, extortion, bribery, et al, in order to increase the net worth of company stocks while fattening their wallets/purses!

  • Reply to: Cigarette Makers Lose Appeal of Fraud, Conspiracy Conviction   15 years 9 months ago

    It is almost shocking to see a major news service call this industry "cigarette manufacturers'" instead of "Big Tobacco" or even the preposterous "tobacco manufacturers".

    The term "cigarette" is still unacceptably vague and uninformative, certainly when it comes to matters of medicine, science and law.
    In the use of the word "cigarette", like the word "sandwich", everything depends on what's inside. Despite residues of any of 450 or so US-Registered tobacco pesticides, and the still-legal use of radiation-delivering phosphate tobacco fertilizers, and the still-legal use of dioxin-delivering chlorine pesticides and chlorine-bleached paper, no media outlets have dared going to the next step of calling the products "Pesticide Pegs", "Radiation Rods" or "Dioxin Dowels".

    One big problem is that the US Government knew and approved of everything the cigarette makers did for generations. No secrets really...unless you count the Government Mandated secrecy regarding non-tobacco cigarette ingredients and the various "trade secret" recipes each firm has. That matter how untested or known deadly a cigarette adulterant may be, the information about that may be duly hidden in vaults with severe penalties if any official revealed those additives to the public...or even to criminal prosecutors.

    For decades this government has permitted the manufacture of so-called "tobacco products" with no tobacco included at all, but, instead, many kinds of industrial waste cellulose camouflaged as tobacco to...well...defraud the public into believing they were buying and using tobacco. That remains, even during the current Anti Tobacco Crusade, as legal as no law requires tobacco in a cigarette unless the label says it's tobacco...which many do not.
    If duped consumers presume it's tobacco based on smell, appearance, taste and texture, that's their problem. Caveat emptor. Bring your own bio-analysis laboratory.

    Every crime the cigarette industry has done was done under the noses of, and with full (often silent) approval of the very government officials who now pretend to be "concerned" about the effects (mostly cost effects) of their very profitable past activities.

    If any court convicts the cigarette makers of fraud and other crimes against the public, the racketeering charges must also fully fall on government officials and agencies who have been complicit all along for the sake of campaign contributions, "sin tax" revenues, or their own investments.

  • Reply to: The Cato Institute's Love-In with Gas-Guzzlers   15 years 9 months ago

    This is one of the many reasons I'm no longer a supporter, financial or otherwise, of the Cato Institute, as I was for many years. They talk a good talk about freedom, liberty, the power of the market, but what they really are keen about is protecting their corporate buddies.
