Recent comments

  • Reply to: Chemical Industry Front Group Outed   15 years 4 months ago

    Dear Mr. Householder:

    Thank you for your comment.

    Our researcher made several attempts to access your website after reading the story about the questions raised by Dr. Denison of Environmental Defense and was unable to access it, leading to the original post describing the site as no longer available.

    Thank you for alerting us to the fact that your site was operational and had not been taken down in response to the questions raised by Dr. Denison about which corporations are funding your organization. Accordingly, we have corrected the post to delete the reference to the website being taken down, and we are checking for the technical glitch that made it inaccessible to us.

    Lisa Graves

  • Reply to: Chemical Industry Front Group Outed   15 years 4 months ago

    I am the Executive Director of the Coalition for Chemical Safety. I hate to contradict you, however, the Coalition's web site has never been taken down and certainly would not have been taken down in the wake of Dr. Denison's comments. In fact, our hope is that his reference to us in his blog posting would send traffic to that site.

    You can find us at

    I'd also like to suggest that a Coalition that is attempting to build a diverse membership base is far from a "front group." We, in fact, invited Dr. Denison to join us as we do anyone interested in a TSCA reform that will put safety first while also promoting innovation and protecting jobs.


  • Reply to: When Big Insurance Rejoices, Something's Wrong   15 years 4 months ago
    There will be no real health care reform until and unless we gain the support of organizations which will benefit from major reform. Many local and state agencies, companies, and unions are facing major financial crises because of health care obligations, while hospitals are closing because of unsustainable emergency care they are required to provide yet do not get paid for. Medicare for All (Single Payer) insurance would completely relieve them of those burdens freeing public bodies to address other public needs while making companies that had been providing the most generous insurance for present and retired employees more competitive with far more stingy companies. The potential combined clout of these entities could, and should, play a pivotal role in combating the misleading propaganda of insurance companies and other forces opposing the public good. It is critical for the public to become aware that not only would Medicare For All provide better health care for all and at lower cost, but there is a way it can be done with no new taxes! At present all 'unearned income' (income from rents, profits, interest, etc.) is 100% exempt from both Social Security and Medicare taxation. Closing this one loophole would, combined with existing Medicare revenue, provide sufficient income to not only fully fund a Single Payer national health care system for all Americans, but probably dental and optical care as well! And as a fringe benefit the purported Social Security shortfall would be eliminated as well - especially if the $105,800 cap on taxable Social Security income was eliminated at the same time! Although how much sense Single Payer makes is obvious to the open-minded, until and unless these two factors are included in the discussion there is little likelihood of more than reluctant, token progress - especially given the degree to which Obama has reversed his earlier pro Single Payer position!
  • Reply to: Direct Action Confronts the Climate Crisis   15 years 4 months ago

    " Malaysia must take initiative to re-define Climate Change Roadmap at the upcoming Copenhagen Conference 2009"

    The article "Dark Cloud over Climate Talks" by martin Khor (The Star, 12.10.2009) painted a rather dark pessimistic color to the mood at the recently concluded Climate talks in Bangkok, Thailand.

    Developed nations perceived abandonment of their current commitment under Phase One of the Kyoto Protocol (KP) is a clear indication that there is a need for a more conducive approach in addressing climate change specifically relating to greenhouse gas emissions(GGE) dilemma.

    This perception must not be viewed with pessimism or seen as a negative change of attitude by developed countries. Developing countries are also part of the problematic GGE equation apart from the Kyoto Protocol’s perceived rigid implementation platform.

    There is no denying that the Kyoto Protocol imposed binding obligations upon developed bloc. However, corresponding non-commitment/inactions by developing countries are also a collective issue.

    All signatories to the KP must therefore take the cue that if co-operation cannot be effected under the current KP, there is an urgent need to modify the ‘mitigation commitments’ by developed countries vis-vis the ‘mitigation actions’ on the part of developing countries. Such modification can be perceived as fair as it takes into view national interests and acceptable GGE achievement.

    What is of crucial importance is the underlying commitment by all members towards total, if not gradual reduction, of GGE emissions on a global scale so that 2nd Phase of the KP can be initiated without major glitch in 2013.

    Malaysia as a developing country, having achieved several milestones in its effort to implement GGE objectives, must therefore take the initiative to promote, re-ignite and re-define those ‘commitments’ in a form that are mutually acceptable to both developed and developing countries within the KP framework which is in fact, open to international modification and national interests alignment.

    Jeong Chun Phuoc

  • Reply to: Rick Scott Urges Anti-Health Care Front Groups to Coordinate Their Attacks   15 years 4 months ago

    It seems to me this only confirms that in America the poor are considered guilty until proven innocent, while the rich are only guilty if they get caught. Lice breed fastest!

    I feel for good, decent Americans, because I can see glimpses of what you are up against. Still... I thank my good luck that I live in the UK; if I get sick I just go to the Doctor, Hospital or Dentist... endof!

    I pay my contributions and never have to worry.

    if I want private treatment, I can have it, but I don't have to sell my home to get treatment and, yes, there are shortcomings and sometimes the system fails, but on the whole it works and if you offered me the American alternative... my reply: I'd rather stick needles in my eyes!!!

    BTW, when I was single with two children I also got decent, low-cost Council housing, free education for my children and later University for my daughter and I.

    Thanks to that I was able to escape poverty and better myself, in spite of the tragic loss of my little boy; I had free counselling and was able to get better, overcome adversity and today my daughter and I are productive, tax-payers, instead of criminals or wretches on the street.

    Why? S o c i a l j u s t i c e!!!

    We are all rooting for you decent Americans, don't give up!!! here's to you guys and gals! Go with Obama, at last you have a way forward!
