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  • Reply to: The Insurance Industry's Lethal Bottom Line -- and a Solution From Sens. Franken and Rockefeller   15 years 2 months ago
    Here is a video that sums a lot of things up!
  • Reply to: Lessons Learned From Tobacco Control Should be Applied to Climate Policy   15 years 2 months ago
    I have subscribed to CMD since they exposed fake Video News Releases on local news stations, and I read the weekly updates regularly. This is my first time to respond to an article, and this is the only topic I can think of I lean opposite of CMD on. It is one of two topics I have found CMD to be advocating change for. The major issue at hand is whether "global warming"/"climate change" is man made. I am not convinced it is. This article equates tobacco PR tactics to global warming PR tactics, because we just don't like them tobacco fat kids, do we? No. Well, guess what? Because the "science is in" and "there is no disputing the evidence" for GW/CC, you wouldn't want to harm the starving African kid with the Marlboro bag, would you? No! So support rampant overhaul of global energy consumption standards in Copenhagen! What is going on here, CMD? Why are you advocating for a position? You write: "It is our sincere hope that the governments represented at COP-15 will learn from past experience and seize their chance to advance comprehensive policies limiting damage from climate change." Really? The Petition Project has signatures of 31,000 scientists who are do not believe science can prove man has caused global warming/climate change. I did a search on this site and couldn't find any responses to it on CMD's behalf. Here is the petition <>. Is CMD is suggesting with this article that the PR spin masters have coerced and manipulated more than 31,000 American scientists into disputing global warming and climate change? Some research now suggests the sun is causing GW/CC, so this throws a whole new dynamic into the debate. To say "the science is in" on GW/CC makes me believe the "experts" at CMD are drinking the Al Gore koolaid. Speaking of Gore, Weather Channel Founder John Coleman says someone should sue Al Gore for financial fraud to settle the debate <,2933,337710,00.html> "As you look at the atmosphere over the last 25 years, there's been perhaps a degree of warming, perhaps probably a whole lot less than that, and the last year has been so cold that that's been erased," Coleman said. "I think if we continue the cooling trend a couple of more years, the general public will at last begin to realize that they've been scammed on this global-warming thing." The tobacco battle was big, and yes we want better health standards, but the result for enacting laws to fight man-made GW/CC mean new taxes, carbon police, and more stringent energy consumption standards. Some skeptics go as far to say this could also lead to a new global governing body more powerful than the United Nations. So, I applaud you CMD for your hard work, but understand there are few different dynamics on this issue you should consider. Stuff like this makes me wonder why you have taken sides. If you want to remain objective in your endeavors, you shouldn't take sides.
  • Reply to: As Owners of AIG, the American Public Deserves Some Answers   15 years 3 months ago
    But, they were not forced they were encouraged. And, with supposed government oversight. and, they were all too eager to loan, loan, loan and loan beyond government requirements because they were financially guaranteed by the US taxpayers after securitization of the loans. As usual, the rich got richer, or "bailed out," and the poor got homeless.
  • Reply to: University of California Praises Hill & Knowlton   15 years 3 months ago

    $3 Million Extravagant, Arrogant Spending by UC President Yudof for UCBerkeley Chancellor Birgeneau to Hire Consultants - When Work Can Be Done Internally and impartially.
    These days, every dollar counts. Contact Senate (Ms. Romero 916.651.4105) & Assembly (Ms. Brownley 916.319.2044) Chairperson’s Education Committees or your representatives.
    Do the work internally at no additional costs with UCB Academic Senate Leadership (C. Kutz/F. Doyle), the world – class UCB faculty/ staff, & the UCB Chancellor’s bloated staff (G. Breslauer, N. Brostrom, F. Yeary, P. Hoffman, C. Holmes etc) & President Yudof.
    President Yudof’s UCB Chancellor should do the high paid work he is paid for instead of hiring expensive East Coast consults to do the work of his job. ‘World class’ smart executives like Chancellor Birgeneau need to do the hard work analysis, and make the tough-minded difficult, decisions to identify inefficiencies.
    Where do the $3,000,000 consultants get their recommendations?
    From interviewing the UCB senior management that hired them and approves their monthly consultant fees and expense reports. Remember the nationally known auditing firm who said the right things and submitted recommendations that senior management wanted to hear and fooled the public, state, federal agencies?
    $3 million impartial consultants never bite the hands (Birgeneau/Yeary) that feed them!
    Mr. Birgeneau's accountabilities include "inspiring innovation, leading change." This involves "defining outcomes, energizing others at all levels and ensuring continuing commitment." Instead of deploying his leadership and setting a good example by doing the work of his Chancellor’s job, Mr. Birgeneau outsourced his work to the $3,000,000 consultants. Doesn't he engage UC and UC Berkeley people at all levels to examine inefficiencies and recommend $150 million of trims? Hasn't he talked to Cornell and the University of North Carolina - which also hired the consultants -- about best practices and recommendations that will eliminate inefficiencies?
    No wonder the faculty, staff, students, Senate & Assembly are angry and suspicious.
    In today’s economy three million dollars is a irresponsible price to pay when a knowledgeable ‘world-class’ UCB Chancellor and his bloated staff do not do the work of their jobs.
    Together, we will make a difference.

  • Reply to: As Owners of AIG, the American Public Deserves Some Answers   15 years 3 months ago
    Media and democracy erases the 4th amendment. Cool.
