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  • Reply to: Breaking News: Insurance Industry Launders $10M to $20M in Attack Ads   15 years 2 months ago
    The history of health insurance in the U.S. and my experience in this industry (CIGNA) explains why I believe health care reform with a public option would benefit our economy and all Americans. In 1925 doctors and hospitals had learned enough about disease in the preceding decade to be reliably helpful treating sick people. Soon they had to charge more for their services than most people could easily afford. By the time of the Great Depression the affordability problem so worsened that the administrator of Baylor Hospital in Dallas created a payment system that evolved into Blue Cross. In exchange for a tax break, and by charging everyone the same premium regardless of age, gender, or pre-existing conditions, the Blues made quality health insurance available to a great number of people. Observing the success of the Blues and putting aside earlier doubt about the viability of health insurance, Commercial insurers entered the market. Their sales efforts accelerated in the 1940s as businesses sought to skirt wartime wage controls by offering insurance to compete for labor. (President G. W. Bush’s proposal to alter health insurance tax exemption policy to benefit the self-employed may have hastened what is likely to be businesses’ inevitable withdraw from health insurance. Bush’s failure to put forward a viable alternative to the workplace as an insurance supplier doomed his proposal). To compete with the Blues and to skim off the best risks commercial insurers configured their rating systems to exclude potential high risk policyholders entirely. To survive the Blues followed suite. Without a tax advantage they became virtually indistinguishable from other health insurers. Then large corporations employing a great number of younger people began to self-insure, relying on insurance companies for claims processing only. Rising concern about medical care costs and its fair distribution prompted an increasingly greater number of Americans to call for a government funded universal health care system as has been adopted successfully in every industrialized nation. Most conservatives oppose this solution claiming, often incorrectly, it's “socialistic and detrimental to quality care.” Nonetheless, driven by widespread public recognition that private insurance underserved the needs of seniors and our poorest citizens, Medicare and Medicaid came to be in 1966. Forty years later in a Republican Congress Medicare Part D, a tax-payer subsidized prescription drug plan promoted by drug and insurance company lobbyist, went into effect. To obtain coverage. it required seniors to enroll in private insurance. In some respects, Part D worsened problems in our health system, It enlarged unfunded entitlements and presented a confusing array of prescription drug plans with high marketing and administrative costs. In Hartford County, CT, 48 plans are offered. With annual open enrollments, covered drugs and premium costs are altered annually. As the private market progressed the cost of illness increasingly shifted to the sickest people undermining the very idea such costs should be spread out among the general population. Today 30% of Americans are covered by one or another kind of government funded health insurance. Collectively these plans account for 45% of U.S. expenditures for health care. Viewed in a broad perspective, these plans function to provide affordable, quality insurance coverage. Medical services are delivered by mostly private sector physicians and hospitals. Is this socialism? To sustain revenue growth and profits in markets remaining open to them, private insurers prospered by making corporate acquisitions, selling new products such as dental insurance and, prompted by improving medical technology and growing inefficiencies in the U.S. health-care-delivery system, health maintenance organization (HMO) programs. Still, consumers in the broad market for health insurance remained under-served. Costs for health services and insurance continued to rise at a rate exceeding general inflation. Health Savings Accounts, intended to foster consumer choice and price competition, only led to more confusing insurance alternatives that concealed the continuing rise in Americans without private insurance. Cost went on shifting from the young and healthy to the old and sick. Markets became dominated by a handful of insurers. Employers outright reduced or eliminated employee health-care benefits. Hospitals merged and became less willing to help low-income patients. Ruinously expensive, discriminatory, and unethical private health care products are an affront to anyone with a capacity for moral outrage or a sense of social responsibility. The U.S., a self-proclaimed champion of capitalism and innovation, is observing the private sector in other countries outperform us. Last year in India, relying on economy of scale, cardiac surgeons at a 1,000 bed hospital (the average U.S. hospital has 160 beds) performed 3,174 by-pass surgeries, more than double the 1,367 at Cleveland Clinic, a U.S. leader. India's entrepreneurs plan to build a 2,000-bed hospital in the Cayman Islands to deliver elective and necessary services 50% below the costs in the U.S. In 2007 Americans seeking medical care in other countries numbered 750,000; in 2010 that number is projected to rise to 1 million. So, what is the best means to secure the obviously need for U.S. health-care reform? According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), Democrat legislation passed in the House and a parallel bill before the Senate would extend protection to 36 million uninsured Americans, save thousands of lives every year, and reduce the deficit by $100+ billion over 10 years. Moreover, the bills would increase choices for everyone, disallow medical underwriting, pre-existing condition exclusions and, subject to approval in Congress, implement structural and provider reimbursement changes to curtail run-away health care costs devastating our economy. House Republicans filed health reform bills but the GOP seems reluctant to talk about them, even at town hall meetings. Best known is the Boehner bill. According to the COB, it would extend coverage to 3 million Americans meaning the proportion of non-elderly with insurance would remain about where it is today. It shaves $68 billion off the deficit in 10 years. The Boehner bill shies away from politically challenging but common sense provisions benefiting individuals purchasing health insurance coverage. Examples are funding subsidies for lower-income people, abolishing the tax exclusion for employer coverage, and health insurance exchanges where people unable to get coverage through work can shop for competitive insurance plans. Can Americans hurt by our progressively failing health system expect effective reform will finally occur? Radio and TV talk-show hosts have so politicized reform that enactment is at risk. Some in Congress wish to kill reform only to destroy Obama, Others push for tort reform and other solutions that haven't demonstrated effectiveness as an agent for for reducing consumer health care costs. Then there are politicians who place self interests and ego ahead of public needs. Connecticut’s Senator Lieberman, former Democrat who turned Independent, comes to mind. As Gore’s running mate, he supported a Medicare buy-in plan and continued to do so as recently as September. Now he’s opposed to it, bowing to an insurance industry that under-serves Americans. There’s a lot of history that isn’t fit to repeat itself. Hopefully, this Congress will overcome decade’s of resistance by opponents of reform to end America’s status as the only developed country that places so many of its citizens at risk for medical bankruptcy. If Congress fails us again I’m going to be very ill.
  • Reply to: The Untold Story of How & Why Philip Morris is Pushing for FDA Regulation   15 years 2 months ago
    I always enjoy reading about public health twits lamenting about what they always say they want. Because in reality, the lives of these activists must be so low that they simply have try to control how other people want to live. Case in point: tobacco. In the 1960's the public health community insisted that tobacco companies come up with cigarettes with reduced tar and nicotine and create a testing method, administered by the government to prove that these cigarettes contained less tar and nicotine. 40 years later, these same activists came up with the argument that smokers actually compensate for the reduction in nicotine and tar by holding the cigarettes in such a way as to make them just as potent as so-called full-flavor (i.e. higher tar and nicotine) cigarettes. What are these public health dimwhits smoking? Have you ever seen anyone smoking a cigarette in some weird way where they actually squish the tube so that it can somehow create more tar and nicotine? It's assinine. When that wasn't good enough, it was time to simply discount the whole concept of light and ultra light cigarettes when any smoker can tell you that there really is a difference in the amount of tar and nicotine in a full-flavor cigarette vs. a light cigarette. Then of course, we have FDA regulation: When David Kessler wanted to circumvent the Food Drug and Cosmetics Act and simply assert jurisdiction over tobacco as a "drug delivery device," like a I.V. bottle or syringe, that was all well and good. When the tobacco industry actually approached Congress about creating a revision to the FDCA to include tobacco in a balanced approach that was BAAAAAAD. See, public health advocates would rather have tobacco users die of cancer than actually admit that people are going use tobacco products which should therefore be regulated by the government so that legitimately safer products are sold rather than the current variety. Then of course, we have the entire pharmaceutical industry that is making an absolute mint off of selling smoking cessation devises that of course are expensive and don't really work, so they want to perpetuate the status quo as well. And let's not forget the trial lawyers who have made billions suing tobacco companies because consumers chose to use a product that they knew what bad for them, were consistently warned about the health affects and then ultimately contracted diseases. So, yes, of course, let's maintain the status quo. And of course, it's far easier for a medical researcher to get a nice fat $50,000 grant out of federal and state health agencies to research the affects of tobacco "advertising" on kids (has anyone actually seen a tobacco ad recently, since the Master Settlement Agreement went into affect in 1998?), than it is for the a researcher to get a grant to study various potential cures for cancer itself. So plenty of researchers have gotten quite fat off of doing inane studies that try to predict just how many kids won't smoke if you raise the price of a pack of cigarettes to the same price as a used Volvo. This whole thing boils down to money and control. A bunch of lazy public health advocates, rather than letting people live their own lives their own way, want the government to tell people what to do and along the way, well of course it wouldn't hurt to have a little cash roll their way. Ask Stanton Glantz, or Dicky Daynard how much money they have made on this issue and they clam up. So of course, FDA regulation of tobacco was a bad idea. It upset the status quo of bitchers, whiners and carpet baggers.
  • Reply to: Taxpayers Subsidize Smoking in "Avatar," Other Youth-Rated Movies   15 years 2 months ago

    ...and rediculous. The real waste of tax payers money is that which is spent on paying people to nitpick at artistic depictions of ideas in movies that help to tell the story and that makes absolutely no difference to someones desition to take up smoking. Where the heck are these peoples priorities anyway? You can show killing, stabbing, tourture, fraud, robbery and pretty much anything illegal in a movie and nobody, including me, gives a damb. But smoking, oh no, the terror. GET A LIFE and stop wasting tax payers money on trying to surpress ones creative vision.

  • Reply to: Taxpayers Subsidize Smoking in "Avatar," Other Youth-Rated Movies   15 years 2 months ago

    I totally agree that watching tobacco use in a movie can influence tobacco usage outside of the theatre. I know because I am a mostly ex-smoker. Whenever I view smoking in a movie it certainly makes me crave a cigarette. Granted, I'm already addicted and I'm not a teenager. But even knowing what I know about tobacco's dangers and the stupidity of smoking, watching tobacco use in a movie makes it seem okay in some odd way.

    No one should receive taxpayer subsidies for movies that glamorize tobacco use, especially those marketed to teenagers.

  • Reply to: Experts: Comcast's Acquisition of NBC May End Free TV   15 years 2 months ago

    I watch OTA TV. I dropped cable 4 years ago because of rate increases and no new networks added. If OTA disappears, I would consider subscribing to either cable or satellite tv if they would offer "Al A Carte" programming. I only watched about 15 channels out of 60. I would gladly pay for only the channels I want instead of expensive packages stuffed with programs I would not care to watch.
