Recent comments

  • Reply to: "Thunda Around the Rotunda" to Rumble into Madison Saturday   13 years 10 months ago
    In Milwaukee Thunda Around the Rotunda motorcycles will be meeting at 9am at State Fair Park on the Park-n-Ride end for a send off from Mayor Barrett , Rep. Sinicki, and Rep. Pacsh. 4 wheelers should decorate their cars and follow behind as we will be a parade to Madison. Governor, Can you hear us now?
  • Reply to: Humana's Medicare Scare Called Out   13 years 10 months ago

    I am 70 years old and have type 2 diabetes. On a Saturday I was having trouble breathing and pains in my chest. I had been coughing a lot and was afraid I had pneumonia or a heart attack. I went to Urgent Care and found out I had bronchitis and an ear infection. Humana turned down the claim saying I didn't have a doctor's referral. I called them and said it was a Saturday and the doctor's office was closed. They then sent me an Explanation of Benefits saying that it wasn't urgent and they weren't going to pay for it. I got a bill from the doctor who treated me in Urgent Care and I called them saying that I was appealing the decision and they told me that Humana was turning down just about all the claims and it was causing a hardship for them because they were having to collect the money from the patient. I can't wait to change insurance.

  • Reply to: Fire Fighters Turn off the Spigot   13 years 10 months ago reported by Jon Stewart. (Apologies for the commercial upfront.)
  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 10 months ago

    Watch the PBS documentary, Food Inc. and see how Monsanto treats our farmers.

  • Reply to: Fire Fighters Turn off the Spigot   13 years 10 months ago
    PR is so powerful, so tuned in to the psychological sciences that the reality-based community is rendered ineffectual. Propaganda works just because it can most of the time set the parameters of the conventional wisdom. And corporate interests, free to spend as they wish, even taking deductions for this expense will thus drive the arguments for the foreseeable future. Only utter disaster can overturn this.
