Thank you, Mr Potter. Please also address the white collar crime, racketeering and the terrorising of malpractice injured patients by medical indemnity insurers. They are literally running a protection racket. These include falsifying patients records and x-rays, thereby erasing prima facie evidence or replacing a patient's real evidence with manipulated evidence; secret insurance databases, blacklisting of patients and quite brazen battering of injured patients.
The Medical Protection Society operates like this around the world, especially in places like South Africa and Hong Kong where goovernments and legislators are corrupt. The Medical Protection Society has a huge Kickback Account for bribing personal injury lawyers and judges, paying Internet hackers to read your email etc etc. We know that all these indemnity insurers act as medical defence organisations and have huge devious law firms, corrupt expert witnesses, police, health boards all colluding with them. I can help you with this if you like as I've expereinced all the above!
The core skills of health insurance companies are:
Discrimination - Identifying which potential clients might cost them money (aka -- risk assessment).
Segregation - Denying coverage for people who may become liabilities, and denying benefits for those who will not fight (aka -- risk management).
The damage done to the US health care system by insurance business practices includes:
1. Coding by ICD-9 (soon to be ICD-10) blinds regulators and patients with incomprehensible detail. Adding jargon and noise to information allows those who control the medium and the messages to make money while pleading poverty.
2. Pretending that health care has "marginal benefits" that people are willing to negotiate over. Who has met someone willing to get a 50% discount to obtain 80% of the help they need to regain their health? Economics works for issues with marginal economic costs that can be negotiated, but using economics for personal health care allocation is like pushing round pegs in a square holes.
3. Many consumer health choice situations are not suitable for market based optimization. Health emergencies do not permit rational choices by consumers / clients / sick people. Rapidly spoken medical jargon reduces patient choice, without providing an effective means to overcome their knowledge deficits.
Why is it okay to fertilize plants with the "compost" of other animals but not humans? I think we should reserve comment until extensive testing is done on this product that proves it's unsafe. If it's actually safe and productive to use as fertilizer/compost, then I'm all for it. We've got to find something useful to do with the biowaste we produce, if at all possible.
I am having a hard time typing this because I am all choked up? It's been a long time since ive experienced emotion this strong, I think I was a kid. I am truly proud of all of you my fellow Americans who are joining this fight. WE ARE ONE. WE come from different states. WE are different colors. WE have different sexual preferences. WE are union. We are non-union. WE ARE AMERICANS. I am a bit ashamed of myself for not being more involved in our democracy until it was obvious that our democracy was slipping away. Nevertheless I commend all of you who have taken on the root cause of this now multi-tier fight for America. YOU ARE THE PEOPLE! FOR THE PEOPLE! TRUE PATRIOTS!
Walker sounds like a typical abuser. First they beat you up, then they tell you how much they love you.