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  • Reply to: Playing for the "Green" in Las Vegas   13 years 9 months ago

    CityCenter was touted as the biggest green project in Nevada, etc. It was plagued with problems from the start. However, now that the project is done it is impressive and was certified. Of course, it isn't holding up to MGM Mirage's expectations as far as revenue...

    Las Vegas Homes

  • Reply to: Who'd Pay for Rupert Murdoch's Climate Change Skepticism?   13 years 9 months ago
    Just looking at things from a common sense point of view, the weather the last several years has been anything but normal. Right now it is in the low 80s outside and I'm in Las Vegas. That IS NOT normal weather for us. Baba makes a good point. The time for finger pointing is past, we can't sustain the way things are so we need to change now so that we are leaving something behind for the generations to come. -Charles
  • Reply to: Tobacco Companies Secretly Added Appetite Suppressants to Cigarettes   13 years 9 months ago

    NOT an op-ed. Link is to a scientific paper. What tobacco company do you work for, shill? How is a scientific paper and a journalist calling attention to it a "conspiracy theory"? You are a mind-poisoning sock-puppet.

  • Reply to: Beer Revolution: Protesters Gather to Protest Proposal That Favors MillerCoors at the Expense of Small, Craft Brewers   13 years 9 months ago
    When I lived in Australia, many of my friends or their Dad's brewed their own beer at home (beer prices are much higher in OZ), So they always had a cold one ready to offer and they could proudly say they made it themselves. It become their hobby. Many people wonder how to homebrew and a lot of people either think that if they home brew their own beer, it will either be expensive, taste Disgusting or, be Really Difficult to Do. But it's not complicated at all, in fact, it's fun and rewarding. Here's a link to get started homebrewing our own beer. has all the directions, ingredients and supplies.
  • Reply to: The Kochs' Climate Change Denial Media Machine   13 years 9 months ago

    There should be no argument as to whether or not climate change happens. It does. It has happened since the dawn of time. Geologic evidence tells us it was going on long before man showed up on this little planet. It was going on back when dinosaurs roamed the earth. It was going on 4.5 billion years ago or so when the planet formed. The argument comes in as to what causes it. So many people in power want you to believe people cause it because then they can get you to relinquish control of your life, they can pass laws and use the force of police and military to curtail the choices you should be allowed to make. They can use the same force to steal your money in the form of taxes for their programs. Sure, they'd like you to believe that they are taxing huge corporations, but when you look at the power structure the corporations have bought and paid for most of the politicians worldwide and they are the ones getting large chunks of tax dollars in the form of bailouts, etc. They are the ones writing the laws. That should give you something to think about. I can tell you this, carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, it is a life giving gas that is used by plants to respire. It is not a leading indicator of warming, it is a following indicator. Those who have been advocating the idea that mankind is a major contributor to climate change have been proven to be deceptive. They, too, have received millions from questionable corporate and private entities. Al Gore himself stood to make billions as a major share holder in the Chicago Climate Exchange. If you think that politicians and those holding power today are going to fix the climate, think about this. 1) Governments are the biggest polluters on the planet. 2) Why does the US federal government give people tax breaks when they set up solar cells on their property and feed the energy to the grid, but not when they do so to take themselves off the grid so they are independent of any fossil fuels? If you think they care about individuals, then why are corporations providing them with so much campaign money and why are they constantly passing laws that help corporations over the little guy? Whether you believe humans are the cause of climate change or not, the answer is not going to come from the government sector. The answer will come from individuals who care. Quit whining about what the government should or shouldn't do and who funds what and do something about it yourself. Get yourselves off the grid and build your own little solar power plant or some other form of renewable energy. Look into the suppressed technologies that are available and bring that into your life. Spend your own money on that stuff, quit making excuses and see how far you can get without having to beg the government for permission. In this way you will stop having to deal with the corporations and help achieve your own independence.
