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  • Reply to: Giuliani's Drug Deal   13 years 9 months ago

    After so much time we finally learn the truth about these schemes. I can't say that I am shocked, this is not the first nor the last drug company that will attempt to sell highly addictive drugs just for the sake of profits. We lost a War on illegal drugs; apparently legal prescription drugs deserve some attention too. We can find information on these at, there are plenty people there willing to share their dramas with drugs.

  • Reply to: Pentagon Pundit Scandal Broke the Law   13 years 9 months ago
    It is an atrocity we all knew about all along, but this will not impact the top of the command structure meaningfully. It is an incredible gift to the DEM campaign! It goes to LYING!
  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 9 months ago

    I am Boycotting genetic-engineered food and request that everyone really informs themselves about the "danger" of eating such food !!! ---> please read yourself ---->
    ~~~ Dangerous Toxins From Genetically Modified Plants Found in Women and Fetuses ~~~
    **** Links to allergies, auto-immune disease, and other disorders **** WATCH: NO GMO !!!
    There’s already plenty of evidence that the Bt-toxin produced in GM corn and cotton plants is toxic to humans and mammals and triggers immune system responses.

  • Reply to: Are Health Insurers Writing Health Reform Regulations?   13 years 9 months ago
    We also would like to add something about medical indemnity insurance companies from our family’s medical malpractice here if we might. WITH THANKS TO MR WENDELL POTTER FOR THIS We lost our father to gross negligence by staff at an Australian hospital. We did our own research on medical malpractice talked to other malpractice patients and observed the callous reactions and antagonistic responses we got from the hospital administration, medical boards and the Health Care Complaints Commission. And we learnt first hand about how a medical cover up comes about. First it starts with the Health Care Liability Bill which sets the scene for a lot of deception. Then all the major players involved- the medical boards, the medical insurers, the lawyers, the ‘experts’, and government independent commissions and what have you, all play into a very bad system for the public, who have been left with absolutely no rights or leverage of any kind. Dad’s medical records were changed and his pathology tests were too strange to be true. Abusive doctors and administrators were trying to push our buttons. They even said poor dad was an alcoholic which he wasn’t. Experts and Lawyers wanted records and money. In sum, we were subjected to a “free for all” rort by a system designed for the purpose of rorting alone. From all this we did learn from hospital staff who let stuff slip and this may be a heads up for others in the same boat we now want to help. **** ALL information you give to medical boards, associations, commissions, lawyers, hospitals, doctors, nurses, experts, anybody - they are all like vultures for any information they can get about you… is given to the 5 medical insurance companies - Avant Mutual Group, Invivo Medical, MDA [Medical Defence Assoctn] National, MIPS [Medical Indemnity Protection Society ] and MIGA [Medical Insurance Group Australia]. These insurance companies are instrumental in changing your medical records and getting any evidence from you for their solicitors to use against you. Now the sneaky bastards at these Complaints Commissions get you to sign a “permission form”, which makes the whole process very much easier for them all, This form says- “To resolve your complaint, the Commissioner requires your permission [by XX Act 2004 ]to obtain and share certain information, on a confidential basis, with the service provider and sometimes other people, for example an independent expert or a registration board. …..I understand that the Commissioner may release a copy of my complaint, health records or other personal information to the service provider or other people dealing with this complaint, and service providers may share relevant information with their professional indemnity insurers or legal advisers” We soon worked out they all work together in secret to get your information and then work out how to fiddle it all and rig pathology tests and medical records to contain information that is not true until you don’t have a malpractice case any longer! We asked the federal police if this was “Fraud” but they went out of there way not to answer and said we had to use the Complaints Commission and the Medical Board so it is a big dirty circle of collusion If you just go to the indemnity insurance company websites and read how they promise their paid-up doctors they won’t settle with patients, how doctors have to report medico-legal “incidents”, Patient Incident Reporting Forms -with the patients private details, “Risk Management” workshops, who their solicitors are, how to contact a medicolegal advisor 24 hours a day et cetra it becomes pretty clear what is going on ****and it is all about deceiving the public in a big way. You don’t stand a chance!
  • Reply to: Live Reporting from the Wisconsin Protests   13 years 9 months ago
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