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  • Reply to: Florida Governor Rick Scott's Shameless Self-Promotion   13 years 8 months ago

    Dear Anonymous:

    I suggest that you first pick a concrete name if you would like to have a cogent and serious conversation about any topic whatsoever, but just by way of clarification given your evident lack of discernment regarding politically driven misinformation and propaganda in general, the very title of this snarky little pseudo-article, 'Florida Governor Rick Scott's Shameless Self-Promotion', penned by a certain Anne Landman? (whoever she is), should immediately betray to you the author's very shamelessness, bias and evident lack of professionalism which doesn't rise to a level much higher than that of vulgar mud-slinging and adhominem attack.

    But first get a name, ok? I really couldn't have it otherwise, you see.

  • Reply to: A Bad Week for Corporate Spies   13 years 8 months ago
    I share the same information you agree that this way I think is a very accurate.. By <a href="" title="web tasarım, web tasarımı">web tasarım</a> By <a href="" title="dantel örnekleri, dantel modelleri">dantel örnekleri</a>
  • Reply to: Are Health Insurers Writing Health Reform Regulations?   13 years 8 months ago
    Get wise and check out :-:-:- " All the incentives are toward less medical care, because—the less care they give them, the more money they make." Ehrlichman: "Edgar Kaiser is running his Permanente deal for profit. " Mr. John D. Erlichman quoting Edgar Kaiser to President Nixon on February 17, 1971 " An investigation by two patient whistleblowers has uncovered Kaiser Permanente’s rigging of its electronic medical records system to conceal abnormal lab test warnings and risk explanations from 8.6 million patients in their medical records posted on Kaiser’s patient website. " As the operators of this site also state:-:-:- " The KaiserPapers is an advocacy site opposed to several medical and business practices of Kaiser Permanente. The Kaiser Papers offers personal accounts, allegations, news, links and suggestions for people to obtain information and assistance when they are navigating the health care system. Even though there are many written laws to protect the patients, the purchasers and users of health care and with actual punishments attached to them for the offenders; if the laws are never enforced they are not really laws at all. So while what Kaiser does may be illegal by the books it isn't going to do you much good at all because no one is enforcing the law. "
  • Reply to: Florida Governor Rick Scott's Shameless Self-Promotion   13 years 8 months ago

    This page was highlighted on the Colbert Report last night. How hilarious (and how embarrassing for Floridians -- you people sure are idiots). Anyway, Stephen provides a similar letter where you get to fill in the blanks. I just did and am sending out the letters today. Sorry Scotty boy, I didn't say the bs you wanted me to about you -- I said the truth, so it ain't pretty.......

  • Reply to: Leaked EPA Memos May Explain Massive Bee Die-Off   13 years 8 months ago

    Many gardeners alike are killing honeybees. The insecticide SEVEN sold at many of the big box stores is lethal to honeybees and yet masses of people purchase Seven and are poisoning honeybees by putting this product on their yards and gardens. Being a cherry farmer and my parents as bee keepers I am well aware that many of the insecticides we apply on the cherries (and all crops) are harmful to the honeybees. On our farm we try to minimize the exposure so the two, honeybees and farming, can coexist but it is a challenge. For example, Neonicotiniods, a class of insecticides is very harmful to bees is one of a couple products that will kill Black Cherry Aphid. We must kill the black cherry aphid but the problem is the bees when visiting flowers after the insecticide has been sprayed pick up tainted pollen and take it back to the bee hive where it is stored and fed to the young. The chemical not only kills the young but also stays in the bees wax for years to come thus causing continual problems until the bees wax is removed. One might say well just do not spray it on any flowering plant. Well we try to do that the best we can. We also spray at night when some of the flowers are closed up and the honey bees are not actively foraging.
    In response to the comment about German TV being a propaganda machine I would agree and probably just as bad or maybe worse is USA TV. We have very limited exposure to the truth and in general are clueless as to how other countries feel about the US. I learned this when I visited Austria and watched the news. When I got back to the US the news was telling a completely different spin on the same news misleading how the rest of the world was responding to the same news. We are like mushrooms and fed a bunch of bull----.
    The number one most important thing in life most of us do not even know. This is the reason why we were made and exist but it has been hidden in all of the bull----. We are to seek our creator - God - Jehovah and find salvation in Jesus Christ and then tell others about so that they too can decide and be saved.
