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  • Reply to: Psywar Film Reveals The Hidden Battle for Your Mind   13 years 8 months ago

    Patrick McCormick:"America made things and exported them to everybody. The Japanese made junk and the Chinese made babies. Africa was a place where the wealthy went hunting. Everyone on the planet looked up to US.
    Where did we go wrong?"

    Erm, I don't know. Maybe you were really unbelievably racist and narcissistic and ignorant?

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 8 months ago

    I too have been told that Monsanto owns Whole Foods. Get Monsanto out of the White House. They've been there since the days of Nixon and there is also talking of Vilsak (a Monsanto friend) is going to run for Pres. Not this upcoming term but after. It's time for Congress to go. After all, they are the ones who are putting $ in their pockets while the big Corps pull their puppet strings. The Federal Gov is KILLING us.

  • Reply to: Die-Hard Fans Can Get All Glenn Beck, All the Time   13 years 8 months ago

    Good, I like Glenn Beck. His mansion in Dallas... oh well, at least he's paying for it, unlike all those corrupt politians who get paid for trips, perks and kick backs at our expense.(and vote to get a raise when non of us are...)

  • Reply to: Emails Show British Government Trying to Minimize Fukushima Disaster   13 years 8 months ago

    We need to care for pollution ,,,bcoz of it our environment get disturb

  • Reply to: Karl Rove's Secretly-Funded Crossroads GPS Attacks Unions in Nationwide Ad   13 years 8 months ago
    Karl Rove is using his useless “trek” to discredit the present government when, in fact, he is trying to defend his miserable performance as advisor for the Busch administration. He was the chief architect of the actions which caused the dire financial crisis inherited by Obama. He is so ignorant that fails to understand that that it is impossible to recover in only two years from the disastrous economy he helped create. During the last two previous administrations, the national debt more than doubled the national debt from 5 to 10.5 trillion dollars, destroyed the mortgage system and, as a result, millions of people went into bankruptcy, lost their homes jobs and all their possessions. Rove have also been attacking the unions, as he wants to avoid the honest, hard-working people interfering with his lopsided purposes. The millions of people affected and their families continue to suffer, while the financial pariahs that caused their misfortunes are bashing in their illegally acquired fortunes. It was absolutely necessary to inject billions of dollars into the economy to avoid a depression that would have made the 1929 crisis like child play. Institutions throughout the world would have failed and even the Wall Street “Lords” themselves would have ended up in lines to get a bite of bread and begging for help. Their “paper” holdings would have ended up less worthy than toilet paper! To avoid this hecatomb caused by the likes of Karl Rove, the government had to bail out several brokerage firms, banks, financial institutions, and industries and instead of being grateful those are the ones now you are involved in a ridiculous, libelous and unfair campaign to discredit the government, with the sole purpose of being able to go back to their old dishonest standards How ignorant, ungrateful and hypocritical!!
