Talking about a walking contradiction! She can't even respect the dignity of her own children's lives. What a CREEP! Please someone remove her from her position before she hurts somebody else!!
Dear Sir or Madam:
I think you go too far when you assert that the reporter is unethical. The reports at the scene were that individuals connected to NOLA Anarcha were involved in the vandalism.
You can easily request a correction if you are part of NOLA Anarcha and the collective believes this reportng to be in error. If the individual who spraypainted the hotel was not connected in any way with the collective, I am sure that can be easily addressed with a correction, rather than name-calling.
Also, I don't read the report as being critical of your political beliefs or those of the singer; rather the report quotes other people who worked to organize a peaceful, non-violent, non-destructive protest as expressing disappointment over the disruption and vandalism, which the organizers did indeed object to.
You also assume the reporter has not read Chris Hedges and offer other assorted ad hominem attacks. Talk about assuming facts not in evidence....
Nola Anarcha
New Orleans, Louisiana
A collective of anarchists running a website to spread the resistance to all forms of oppression. We are anarchists, and that means we will unashamedly advocate anarchist solutions to the problems we face. We support movements but we don't wait for them. We are in the thick of it.
I have to partially agree that sometimes a STRONGER protest demonstration is needed. I have not seen "peaceful" protests that have any real impact for changes we need in the way politics is going in this country. I really believe we need nothing short of outright COUNTER-REVOLUTION IN RESPONSE to the revolution that is taking place from above, in the chambers of our legislatures across the country. You are either with the American people who are being persecuted and deceived, or you are a "peaceful" person who "gets along" with the revolutionaries, like our compromising President. We all need to follow the example set by that great revolutionary Che Guevarra, et al and be true to our convictions that all people in this country deserve the right to vote, the right to justice, the right to the pursuit of happiness - not the majority subjected to the rights of a minority.
Talking about a walking contradiction! She can't even respect the dignity of her own children's lives. What a CREEP! Please someone remove her from her position before she hurts somebody else!!