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  • Reply to: The Dangers of Teaching Labor History to Children   13 years 7 months ago

    I hope you mean her position as parent. I don't care if the whole GOP wants to follow DRUNKS like her, or drug addicts like Rush. It just proves how wrong headed they are.

  • Reply to: The Dangers of Teaching Labor History to Children   13 years 7 months ago

    As the granddaughter of a child miner survivor of the infamous Ludlow Massacre, I have to wonder about whether or not Hahn is worried about history lessons that FAIL to teach 'financial impacts and aggressive intimidation that the CORPORATIONS have been using.'

  • Reply to: ALEC Exposed: Milton Friedman's Little Shop of Horrors   13 years 7 months ago
    The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans buy votes with their own money while Democrats buy votes with everyone else's money.
  • Reply to: Do We Really Need Insurers in Primary Care?   13 years 7 months ago
    This seems like a good idea but if you get sick and have to go to a hospital or you need surgery then your not covered by them so you would need hospital insurance through someone else and does anyone offer just hospital insurance? Could this approach be extended to provide full coverage? Of course, this is getting back to what Hillary Clinton's committee proposed long ago which was based upon the idea of achievable benefits. Physicians fill out a form which indicates what they accomplished for the patient (one page) and you throw the rest of insurance out the window. That's essentially the system in England or it was last I checked.
  • Reply to: R.I.P., Fairness Doctrine   13 years 7 months ago
    In the early 1970's, the National Council of Teachers of English had a Committee on Public Doublespeak - noting the evasive language used in government, and the deceptive language used in advertising. The committee interviewed "information specialists" in five federal agencies, including the White House Office on Telecommunications Policy on such matters as the Fairness Doctrine. In the introduction of the NCTE Public Doublespeak Committee report, the English Teachers reported: " ....We found ourselves unable to penetrate the bullshit barrier. ..."
