
"No Credibility" With Muslims

Al-Qaeda and radical Islamists are winning the propaganda war against the United States, according to a new report by the Defense Science Board, a high-level Pentagon panel. "American direct intervention in the Muslim World has paradoxically elevated the stature of and support for radical Islamists, while diminishing support for the United States to single-digits in some Arab societies," the report states. "Muslims do not 'hate our freedom,' but rather, they hate our policies. ...


View to a Kill

Kevin Sites, the cameraman who filmed a U.S. Marine shooting a wounded prisoner in Fallujah, has written a detailed and powerful account, addressed to the soldiers, of what he saw and his decision to release the footage. "This week I've even been shocked to see myself painted as some kind of anti-war activist," he writes. "Anyone who has seen my reporting on television or has read the dispatches on this website is fully aware of the lengths I've gone to play it straight down the middle. ... .


Not Embedded Enough

"While some charge that embedded reporters are often too protective of the military, [U.S. Representative] Sylvestre Reyes (D-Texas) feels they are dangerous loose cannons, and says it's time to consider revoking their privileges," reports Editor and Publisher. During a House Armed Services Committee discussion of the videotaping of a U.S. Marine shooting an injured Fallujah insurgent in a mosque, Reyes said, "We don't want to know everything that's going on in the field. ...


Extreme Internships in Iraq

The Washington, DC-based Iraqex, "the company that inked a three-year, multi-million dollar deal to handle PR for coalition forces in Iraq," is asking interns to take the "PR challenge of the decade." Iraqex is offering 2- to 3-month internships in Iraq, for U.S. citizens with college degrees.


Bush's Perception Management Plan

"George W. Bush has been criticized for disdaining fact in favor of faith in his own instincts. But he is savvy about the dangers that information can present to his authority over the government and the American people," writes Robert Parry. "That is why the first priority of his second term has been the elimination of the few government sources of information that could challenge the images he wants to project to the public. Bush doesn't want the State Department or the Central Intelligence Agency portraying his Iraq and other foreign policies as abject failures or reckless adventures.


Iraq: Censorship for the Greater Good

Iraq's Media High Commission, established by the United States "to encourage investment in the media and deter state meddling," warned media organizations in Iraq to "set aside space in your news coverage" of the Fallujah assault "to make the position of the Iraqi government, which expresses the aspirations of most Iraqis, clear." The statement continued, "We hope you comply ...



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