U.S. Government

Murdoch Downplays Iraq Death Toll

Speaking to journalists at a conference in Tokyo, News Corporation Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Rupert Murdoch, downplayed the death toll following the U.S. invasion of Iraq in March 2003. "The death toll, certainly of Americans there, by the terms of any previous war are quite minute," he said. "I believe it was right to go in there.


Why There Won't Be More Information on Reconstruction Corruption

It always pays to read the fine print. A clause buried in a military spending bill means that the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction will be closed in 2007. This office, originally part of the Coalition Provisional Authority before its dissolution, has since March 2004 referred 25 criminal cases to the U.S.


Fifteen Current Members of Congress Now Under Investigation

The investigations just keep on coming. Since our last update on members of Congress under investigation, a mere week ago, four new members have been added to Congresspedia’s page of (potential) shame. With these additions, fifteen current and three former members of Congress are currently the subject of a federal, state or local probe (nearly 3% of the Congress)!

Citizens Needed

We need some of the citizens out there who are reading Congresspedia everyday to help out with a new article we're putting together on the congressional votes related to the Iraq War. We've already identified many of the votes and put up links to various articles and resources that explain them, but we need citizens to help us out with summarizing what was in the amendments and bills that were considered and explaining what was at stake.


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