Public Relations

Lincoln Group: The Little Propaganda Shop that Could

The Lincoln Group, whose covert Iraq program was recently OK'd by the Pentagon, "is working to boost economic development in Pakistan." Lincoln is working with former U.S. diplomat Carol Fleming to increase "investments in the country's textile, energy, technology and telecom" industries.


On Dubai Ports Deal, It's Clinton vs Clinton

U.S. House Armed Services Committee chair Duncan Hunter will introduce legislation "to prevent foreign companies from controlling facilities determined to be critical to U.S. national security." If passed, the bill would nix the Dubai Ports World deal to manage major U.S. ports.


Corporations Told Actions More Important than Words

Australian social researcher Hugh Mackay has little time for companies that try to use corporate social responsibility as a PR and marketing tool. "Nothing diminishes virtue like trying to draw other people’s attention to it. You’re a good corporate citizen? Get on with it, then, don’t brag about it," he said in a speech launching a fundraising campaign for a non-profit disability group.


Wal-Mart Front Group's New Front Man

"Black History Month 2006 ended on a jarring note," writes Bruce Dixon. "Andrew Young, a former member of Dr. King's inner circle ... who went on to serve three terms in Congress, a stint as UN ambassador and two terms as mayor of Atlanta ...


Old-Style Repression under 'New Maldives' Makeover

A Maldives news service criticizes the 'New Maldives' project launched by President Gayoom in October 2005 as "nothing more than an image make-over for an unpopular and authoritarian regime." The editorial notes that the opposition political party, the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), has highlighted contradictions between the government's words and actions, including "government rhetoric over judicial reform while MDP Chairperson Mohamed Nasheed (Anni) is refused a fair trial" and "assertions over press freedom, while the Police Chief harasses foreign-based journalists." For several year



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