Public Relations

Blogging for Business

"In today’s economy, you can have incredible marketing for your company for free rather than spending an enormous marketing budget," writes Steven Warren for IT Managment. "How is this possible? Corporate blogging." Warren encourages corporate bloggers to "be honest and forthright. Don’t just blog about your products with a PR spin. ... Use the blog to capture your audience with your personality and your passion for what you do. ... A passionate blog will reach more people than any high-dollar ad campaign." It's not just corporations that are blogging, but trade associations too.


Aid Money Goes to PR Effort to Highlight Aid

"The U.S., which saw positive PR results from the millions donated to Indonesia after the tsunami devastation in May, wants a PR firm to spread awareness that Uncle Sam has given over $1 billion to the archipelago over the last 50 years." The U.S.


China's 'Charm Offensive'

Entering the race to win hearts and minds, China has begun an image campaign to bolster its global economic and political ambitions. "Beijing has already opened 27 branches of the Confucius Institute around the world in less than a year, and it has a budget of $200-million (U.S.) annually to teach Chinese to foreigners," Canada's Globe and Mail reports. As part of China's "charm offensive" led by President Hu Jintao, the effort includes plans for 70 more culture and language centers in the next five years.


Spreading Something Besides Democracy in Iraq

The Lincoln Group, one of three firms helping "to put more creativity into the Pentagon's psychological operations," is hiring. The firm just completed "a three-month image campaign with Iraq-based Al-Wathba Group to develop collateral material and a messaging strategy to introduce U.S.


Spinning A Disaster

The Director of Crisis Media for the PR firm Hill & Knowlton, Paul Clark, had a few words of advice on crisis management for public officials handling the Hurricane Katrina disaster. "One of the first concepts is to accept blame if it applies ... people forgive mistakes, but they don't forgive excuses," Clark told the St.


International Image Assistance

"It's not all that unusual for Arab countries to enlist U.S. PR firms to help with any image problems that they might be experiencing in the United States," said PR Week's Washington DC bureau chief. "These countries need the assistance of people on the ground ... who are familiar with the best tactics for earning beneficial media coverage for controversial clients." And several Arab governments have increased PR efforts since September 11, 2001.


Fleishman-Hillard Hired By Japanese Opposition Leader

Katsuya Okada, the leader of the Democratic Party of Japan and the main rival to the ruling Liberal Democratic Party Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, has hired PR firm Fleishman-Hillard to help buff his image ahead of the September 11 national election.


Think Tank's Water Bank Rankles

"UK ministers have been accused of spending British aid money on a public relations campaign to promote water privatisation in Sierra Leone," reports BBC News. Vicky Cann, of the organization World Development Movement, criticized the British Department for International Development (DfID), saying, "In the poorest country of the world, which is still recovering from a decade long bitter civil war, DfID is not only going to pay international consultants to advise on how to privatise water ...


TV Watch Takes On Conservative TV Watchers

Tired of being picked on by religious media watchdog groups, big media is fighting back with its own advocacy group. NBC Universal, Viacom and News Corp. have launched the group TV Watch to "advocate parental controls and oppose government intervention" into TV programming, the Dallas Morning News reports.



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