Public Relations

Junk Mailers Meet Ms. Brand America

Last year, former advertising executive Charlotte Beersresigned from her job as head of a U.S. State Department effort to improve America's image in the Middle East. This week she spoke to another group with image problems - direct marketers, the people who send you junk mail and other unwanted commercial solicitations. Beers gave them the same advice she gave "brand America": they should "tell positive stories about what direct marketing is about."


Ketchum Rated Reporters on "No Child Left Behind"

The U.S. Education Department paid $700,000 to the Ketchum public relations and marketing firm, to produce two video news releases and to rate newspaper coverage according to how favorably reporters described the Bush administration's No Child Left Behind law in 2003. Democratic Senators Frank R. Lautenberg and Edward M.


PR Job in Iraq: Benefits Include Bodyguard

MarketingSherpa, a weblog for PR professionals, has posted a job announcement from the NettResults PR firm, which operates throughout the Middle East as well as in Africa, Asia and East Europe. The company is seeking someone to "serve as one of the three key contact for the Multi-National Corps - Iraq (MNC-I) media team promoting development and aid news/events in-country to the Iraqi population. ... Ideal candidate speaks Arabic and has 8-10 yrs exper.



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