
Corporate Blogging in the Slow Lane

After the recent BlogOn 2005 conference in New York City, Burson-Marsteller's Lisa Poulson bemoaned the suspicion that bloggers have for corporations. "My overall impression is that the gap between where the blogosphere veterans are and where corporations are not only vast but also actually harmful," she told PR Week.


The Emperor Doesn't Disclose: Why the Fight Against Fake News Continues

Like much news that's damaging to the Bush administration, the report came out on a Friday.

"Remixed War Propaganda" by Micah Ian WrightSince then, it's gotten little media attention -- just 41 mentions in U.S. newspapers and wire stories, according to a news database search on October 11. That's remarkably sparse coverage for a story showing that the U.S. government has been engaged in illegal propaganda aimed at its own citizens.


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