
In Massachusetts, even the "People's Pledge" Can't Keep Out the Outside Money

The U.S. Senate race in Massachusetts is currently among the closest in the country, with the most recent polls showing a razor-thin lead by Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren, who hopes to unseat Republican incumbent Senator Scott Brown this November. The Massachusetts race is unique among national Senate races, as outside money is playing a significantly diminished role thanks to a pledge signed by both candidates that has helped keep outside spending on television, radio, and Internet ads in check.

Walkergate Trials Heating Up, Plea Deal Has State Buzzing

Since May 2010, the Milwaukee County District Attorney has been conducting a secret "John Doe" criminal investigation involving Scott Walker's former staff and associates during the time that Walker served as the Milwaukee County Executive and was running for governor. The wide-ranging investigation has included allegations of illegal campaign work on the public payroll, embezzlement of funds from a veterans' charity, and even child enticement. So far, it has netted 15 felony indictments and, at this moment, three people are awaiting trial.

For Obama, Upside of Lackluster Debate: Less Ammo for the Super PAC Firing Squad

President Barack Obama's uninspired performance at the first presidential debate has led to a drop in his poll ratings and a surge for GOP challenger Mitt Romney. But one benefit for the president from his mediocre debate showing is that it provided little fodder for attack ads from the Super PACs and "dark money" groups planning to spend tens of millions in the final weeks of the election.

Obama Campaign Chases Big Checks while Decrying Citizens United and Unlimited Fundraising

President Barack Obama rode into office in 2008 on a wave of small donations that some expected would change politics. The small-dollar strategy is still helping Obama fill his campaign accounts, but the electoral landscape has changed rapidly over the past four years and candidates' official campaigns are being overshadowed by unlimited spending from nominally "independent" groups funded by a handful of ultra-wealthy donors.


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