A Hard Sell
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
"You've heard a lot of Halliburton lately. Criticism is okay. We can take it." Thus opens a new television ad, part of the oil and gas services company's first public PR campaign.
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
"You've heard a lot of Halliburton lately. Criticism is okay. We can take it." Thus opens a new television ad, part of the oil and gas services company's first public PR campaign.
Submitted by Laura Miller on
"Last year the Bush Administration encouraged American chemical companies to lobby against European efforts to strengthen the regulation of thousands of chemicals contained in household, industrial and personal products," BushGreenWash.org writes. "When the chemical industry was slow to respond, Administration officials took it upon themselves to launch 'an unusually aggressive campaign' to pressure the European Union into watering down its comprehensive reform efforts. Documents uncovered by the Environmental Health Fund, using the Freedom of Information Act, showed the U.S.
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
"Wal-Mart's very success may be working against it," reports the Washington Post.
Submitted by Laura Miller on
A Canadian professor of pediatrics and medicine vows to continue speaking out on the risk of a drug used to treat thalassemia, a hereditary blood disorder. Dr. Nancy Olivieri lost her attempt to get her research on the harmful side effects of deferiprone looked at by the committee for proprietary and medicinal products (CPMP) that regulates drugs in Europe. "This ruling guarantees that only a drug company attempting to sell a drug will control the content of the scientific data submitted or not submitted to the European CPMP," she said.
Submitted by Laura Miller on
"Barry McCahill, a longtime transportation PR and public affairs exec, has taken over as president of the Sport Utility Vehicle Owners of America, a lobbying group which claims to represent the 24 million SUV owners in the U.S.," O'Dwyer's PR Daily Reports.
Submitted by Laura Miller on
The World Health Oragnization's leading scientists are accusing the Bush administration of putting the sugar industry's interests ahead of the global fight against obesity. The Observer reports, "Professor Kaare Norum, leader of the World Health Organisation's fight to prevent millions developing diet-related diseases, has sparked an international war of words with a highly critical letter to US Health Secretary Tommy Thompson. In it he tells of his grave concern over American opposition to the WHO's blueprint to combat obesity.
Submitted by Laura Miller on
"The rise of Tony Feather from congressional intern to successful lobbyist is a story of loyalty, of good deeds rewarded -- and of Republicans taking care of their own," the Washington Post writes.
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
Ken Mehlman, former Bush political advisor and current Bush-Cheney campaign chair, is working "to boost the political impact of business" in 2004, according to The Hill. Among these efforts is the formation of an "association CEOs for Bush" group. "The campaign finance laws require the group to maintain at least a semblance of nonpartisan independence, but there is no question that it favors Bush's re-election," reports Alexander Bolton.
Submitted by Sheldon Rampton on
Bill O'Reilly, who famously falsely claimed to be the winner of two Peabody Awards, has finally won something for real -- top spot on Pandagon.net's list of "the 20 most annoying conservatives of 2003." According to Pandagon webmasters Ezra Klein and Jesse Taylor, O'Reilly "had a hard time getting on this list.
Submitted by Sheldon Rampton on
"US corporations are picking up the pace in shifting well-paid technology jobs to India, China and other low-cost centres, but they are keeping quiet for fear of a backlash," reports David Zielenziger. "Morgan Stanley estimates the number of US jobs outsourced to India will double to about 150,000 in the next three years.
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