
How Business Propaganda Hijacks Canadian Democracy

A book review in western Canada's Georgia Straight newspaper asks, "Do you ever wonder why so many of the Fraser Institute’s right-wing commentaries get into Canadian daily newspapers? Perhaps you’ve been disturbed by the spate of articles about the inevitability of Canada forming closer ties with the United States.


GAO Touts Good News! Stock Trades Safe from H1N1

H1N1 is here. President Obama declared a national health emergency. Health workers and schools are worried because the vaccine is seriously behind schedule. Parents are worried about how they will stay home with their kids and keep their jobs. What are the watchdogs at the Government Accountability Office worried about?


Rick Scott Urges Anti-Health Care Front Groups to Coordinate Their Attacks

Multimillionaire former hospital CEO Rick Scott, founder of the anti-health care reform group Conservatives for Patients Rights, last week distributed a memo to allied groups fighting health insurance reform to try and coordinate the groups' opposition to the so-called "public option." In the memo, Scott wrote that health care


Halloween Horror! Seven CEOs to Face Paycuts

According to the Wall Street Journal, federal "pay czar" Kenneth Feinberg will order seven bailed out financial institutions and auto companies to cut their compensation packages for top officers by 25%-50%. According to one professor interviewed, this represents a "seismic shift" in corporate governance.


Where's Wendell, TIME's 'Ideal Whistleblower' ?

A business news website notes, "Since early summer Wendell Potter, a former public relations executive for the health insurer CIGNA, has testified before Congress, given speeches and granted interviews aimed at boosting the cause of health care reform and especially a strong public alternative to private industry.


Shareholders Approve Takeover of Medialink Worldwide

Medialink Worldwide -- the largest producer of video news releases and audio news releases -- has announced that shareholders approved a proposal to merge with TNM Group, a subsidiary of The NewsMarket.



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