U.S. Government

One Small Step Towards Full Disclosure

For one year, U.S. government agencies will be banned "from issuing video news releases that do not clearly identify" the government as the source of the footage. Congressional members "agreed to include the measure in an emergency spending bill," which is why the restriction expires after one year.


Defensive Reporting or Offensively Fake News?

"When the government creates a cable channel that reminds viewers of a news network, down to the live Pentagon briefings and interviews with Washington big shots, is it a form of propaganda or just a savvy way to communicate with the troops?" the Christian Science Monitor asks, about the Pentagon Channel.


Pentagon Seeks New Information Warriors

U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM) is "fostering competition" for a "lucrative contract to analyze foreign media coverage and handle strategic communications for its operations and the so-called global war on terrorism," reports O'Dwyer's. The work involves tracking "media in broadcast, print and online in Arabic, Urdu Pashtu" and other languages, as well as "building databases of key communicators and media outlets, analyzing the perception of U.S.



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