U.S. Government

The 9/11 President Launches His First TV Ad

President Bush's popularity skyrocketed after 9/11 as the country naturally rallied around its leadership. Bush announced that his war on terror would define his presidency and the 2004 Republican convention will be held in New York city as close as possible to the third anniversary of 9/11. Now, the New York Times reports that the Republican Party is launchiing "its first advertisement of the presidential race, portraying Mr. Bush as fighting terrorism while his potential challengers try to undermine him with their


Eskew Exits White House

Tucker Eskew, director of the White House Office of Global Communications, is leaving his job to set up a Washington, D.C.-based consulting firm, O'Dwyer's PR Daily reports. Eskew was a key player in the Bush administration's campaign to sell the Iraq invasion. O'Dwyer's writes, "He told USA Today in December 2001 that his job was to 'stop big lies and to promote great truths.'" According to the Associated Press, Eskew plans to advise and serve as foreign policy surrogate for Bush's reelection campaign.


Propaganda 101: Falsely Linking Iraq to 9/11

A Buzzflash editorial rips and deconstructs the latest propaganda effort to link Saddam to 9/11, noting: "the charge that Saddam Hussein was connected to Osama bin Laden, which was recently denied by Bush himself, was resurrected last week in the Weekly Standard. The Standard, owned by Rupert Murdoch, is the 'intellectual' Neo-con bed of radical ideas, subversive to American Democracy. It is kind of like a Pravda for Neo-cons with advanced degrees.


Tutwiler Confirmed As Public Diplomacy Head

"The Senate confirmed longtime Republican spokeswoman Margaret Tutwiler as undersecretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs," PR Week reports. Tutwiler steps in to fill an eight-month vacancy left when ad queen Charlotte Beers resigned the post for health reasons. Tutwiler reportedly left her post as ambassador to Morocco only after "much cajoling by the Bush administration." During her confirmation hearing she told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that America needs to do a better job of listening to foreign audiences.


Brits Won't Let Bush Shoot Them

The British government has refused a diplomatic request from the United States for "shoot-to-kill" immunity for armed American special agents and snipers who will be travelling to Britain as part of President Bush's entourage this week, which means that if they accidentally kill a protester, they'll have to stand trial for it. The Brits are also balking at the Bush team's demand that they shut down parts of London's Tube (subway) system and that they create a "sterile zone" around the President to keep the public at bay. The U.S.


Rumsfeld's Propaganda Ministry

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld "has transformed himself from corporate henchman to a crusty old guy who can say anything any time with few repercussions," writes James Ridgeway. "Last year he wanted to set up a special propaganda bureau called the Office of Strategic Influence, but he had to close it down amid reports it was putting out false information in an effort to sway public opinion.


The Memory Hole

The New York Times has profiled Russ Kick's "memory hole" web site, which saves official documents from oblivion and posts them online. "I'm certainly not a journalist in the normal sense of the word," Kick says. "I'm more of an information archaeologist. I'm trying to get the stuff that's either been purposely buried or just covered over by time."


Scarborough to Lynch: "Shut Up and Take the Cash"

Now that Private Jessica Lynch has told the truth about the conditions of her capture and rescue in Iraq, right-wing telebabbler Joe Scarborough is complaining that she "started whining about the Pentagon PR machine and the fact that they told parts of the stories that may have made her more of a hero than she considered herself to be. ... Well, Jessica, I've got bad news to break to you. It was because of the Pentagon PR machine that turned you into an American hero -- that got book publishers interested in paying you $1 million to tell your story. It was the Pentagon PR machine that told America how you were a hero that got NBC interested in doing a movie about your story. It was the Pentagon PR machine that's turned you into a millionaire."


US Officials Want Ban On British Protests

When George W. Bush visits London next week, U.S. officials want to keep protesters out of sight, demanding a rolling "exclusion zone" around the President. "The Stop The War Coalition said yesterday that it had been told by the police that it would not be allowed to demonstrate in Parliament Square and Whitehall next Thursday - a ban it said it was determined to resist," the Independent reports.


Pentagon's Iraqi Media Network 'Fair And Balanced'

The U.S. sponsored Iraqi Media Network -- planned to include a 24-hour satellite channel, two land-based TV channels, two radio channels, a national newspaper and studios in every major Iraqi region -- promises Iraqis "comprehensive, accurate, fair, and balanced news." The Village Voice's Cynthia Cotts reports, however, that IMN already faces credibility issues. Budgeted at $100 million (part of the $87.5 billion approved for Iraq), the project's money will flow through the Defense Department's Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict division, which also handles military psy-ops.



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