
Where Was the Media Between Invasion and Murtha?

Technologically, the news media are vastly more advanced than it was during the Vietnam war, but commercial and political factors have "kept the war in Iraq marginal in the American media," write Rebecca Dana and Lizzy Ratner. A study done during the Vietnam war found that CBS devoted 91 minutes per month to reporting on Vietnam, whereas U.S. networks this year gave Iraq only 55 minutes per month. Other gaps in reporting include the following:


Rewriting History

“It is deeply irresponsible to rewrite the history of how (the Iraq) war began,” Bush scolded his critics in his Veterans Day speech on November 11. But as Robert Parry observes, Bush is the one doing the rewriting. "Bush’s argument is that he didn’t lie the nation into war; he and his top aides were just misled by the same faulty intelligence that Congress saw," he writes.



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