
Bernanke: Wrong Speech, Wrong Nominee

Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, gave a speech this week that made headlines and raised eyebrows: “Lax Oversight Caused the Crisis, Bernanke Says.” Finally, many thought, the Fed Chairman would fess up to his role in the crisis! Alas, 98 percent of the speech is dedicated to justifying what the Fed did right over the last decade, and the “lax oversight” apparently had more to do with other agencies charged with regulating mortgages and underwriting practices, not his own.

Blue Cross Working to Make Health Care Reform Unconstitutional

Health insurance giant Blue Cross Blue Shield has been quietly working with the conservative, pro-business front group, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) to pass legislation that uses the issue of states' rights as a pretext for declaring healthcare reform unconstitutional.


Expensive Tastes

The British Conservative Party is offering major donors the "opportunity to discuss the party's PR strategy" in the run up to the 2010 general election. As part of its fundraising strategy, donors which contribute over £50,000 a year become members of the Leader's Group. An email leaked to PR Week reveals that Leader's Group members are offered the option of having lunch with Conservative Party leader, David Cameron, following Prime Minister's Questions in the House of Commons.


Congress Subverts Transparency in Digital Version of Expense Report

In a supposed bid to increase transparency in government, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi asked Congress to post its quarterly expense reports (pdf) online, where the public can view them. But transparency took a hit in the digital age.


Anti-Immigration Skeptic Heads for Copenhagen

Nick Griffin, the leader of the anti-immigration British National Party (BNP), has been selected as one of the 15 representatives chosen to speak on behalf of the European Union at the COP15 conference in Copenhagen. The conference aims to reach agreement on a successor agreement to the Kyoto Protocol.


Medicare Part D Planners Now Fighting Health Insurance Reform

At least 25 former federal officials and legislative aides who helped draft the 2003 Medicare Part D drug benefit are now working as lobbyists for pharmaceutical interests trying and protect the lucrative drug payment system in negotiations for health care reform.



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