Grim-Faced Union Leaders Ready for the Fight Over Right to Work
Wisconsin state legislators will meet in an "extraordinary session" today in order to take up so-called "right to work" legislation.
Wisconsin state legislators will meet in an "extraordinary session" today in order to take up so-called "right to work" legislation.
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) made headlines last week after Wisconsin Republicans introduced a virtually word-for-word copy of the ALEC "model" Right to Work Act, following on the heels of Michigan and other states that have taken up the ALEC-inspired anti-union measures in recent years.
ALEC is famous for using "small government" rhetoric to push its corporate-funded privatization agenda in state legislatures across the country. In a hypocritical twist, the corporate bill mill now wants city and county governments to subsidize the conferences of its new local offshoot.
Wisconsin is home to nearly 335,000 Latinos, and 40 percent of these self-identify as Democrats. The LIBRE Initiative is poised to bring Latinos back into the GOP fold just in time for the 2016 election cycle.
The Walker budget slips in an edit to the section on the judicial commission to strike a statutory provision stating that "the salary established for the chief justice of the supreme court shall be different than the salaries established for the associate justices of the Supreme Court."
This week, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker got tripped up by the truth.
In addition to unprecedented budget cuts to the University of Wisconsin System, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker struck "the search for truth" and the Wisconsin Idea from the university's mission statement in his executive budget bill unveiled last night.
A bipartisan effort to enforce Wisconsin’s longstanding laws governing coordination between campaigns and independent groups has been mislabeled a “partisan witch hunt” by a well-funded legal and media campaign, with the ultimate goal of undermining what remains of limits on big money in politics, according to a new report from the Center for Media and Democracy.
Democrats appear to have learned some lessons from their 2014 mid-term whipping.
Wisconsin GOP pushes constitutional amendment to strip Chief Justice Abrahamson of her title.
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