
Labouring Under Illusions

Britain's Channel 4 documentary "Undercover in New Labour" includes footage from "a reporter wearing hidden cameras who volunteered to work on the party's election campaign and ended up being drafted to work at its national PR headquarters." The documentary shows Labour staff using "party supporters in key professions from medicine and the law to the armed forces and the police, who were prepared to appear on TV and in the papers and lie through their teeth that their support for this or that policy was entirel


Political Conformity on Social Security

A worker who knows Social Security "could run out before they retire," a couple with children who like "the idea of leaving something behind to the family," and a single parent who wants "more retirement options and security" than Social Security offers - all younger than 29.


The K Street Project Bears Fruit

The Washington Post reports on how House Majority Whip Roy Blunt "has converted what had been an informal and ad hoc relationship between congressional leaders and the Washington corporate and trade community into a formal, institutionalized alliance." Blunt's "organization of whips and lobbyist vote counters ...


Democracy's Great, but the Elections Are Boring

In the lead-up to Thursday's UK national election, the Christian Science Monitor reports on "the growing insinuation of spin and professional marketing into British politics." The Independent publishes a wide-ranging interview with Sir Timothy Bell, the influential owner of


Boston Columnist Beaned

Following revelations that columnist Charles Chieppo had a second contract with the Massachusetts state government, in addition to the $60-per-hour environmental affairs position, the Boston Herald "decided to sever" their relationship. Chieppo disclosed the environmental contract to the Herald's editorial page editor, but not his $100-per-hour position with the Massachusetts Convention Center Authority. Chieppo said "it did not occur to him" to alert the paper to his convention center work.


Pundit's Boston Bread Buttered on Both Sides

Massachusetts' Executive Office of Environmental Affairs "awarded a $10,000 contract to a Boston Herald op-ed columnist to promote the governor's environmental policies." The contract involves writing op-ed pieces and internal documents "to promote education, awareness, and acceptance of major policy initiatives." Three days after the columnist, Charles Chieppo, applied for the position, he filed a column praising



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