Public Relations

No-Bid PR Contract Bugs California Officials

apple moth"State officials struggling to convince critics about the safety of aerial spraying to control an invasive moth awarded a $500,000 no-bid contract to a prominent public relations firm with ties to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger," reports Associated Press.


The PR Surge Is Working for McCain - More Americans See "Success" in Iraq

Politico notes that U.S. public support for the war in Iraq "has reached a high point unseen since the summer of 2006. ... According to late February polling conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, 53 percent of Americans -- a slim majority -- now believe 'the U.S.


Teacher Warns Students About War Propagandist John Rendon

John RendonSteve Runge, an instructor at Northeastern University in Boston, is raising a red flag about a controversial lecturer. "John Rendon of the Rendon Group will be addressing the College of Business Administration Thursday afternoon.


Zimbabwe Casts About for PR Help

Appearing before a parliamentary committee inquiry into the lobbying industry, the head of Bell Pottinger, Peter Bingle, explained that the agency had been approached to represent the Zimbabwe regime headed by Robert Mugabe. "We will turn down clients. We had a call from Zimbabwe asking to advise Zimbabwe. We said thank you very much, but no. It would have been a fairly malign campaign if someone had run it," Bingle said.


Monsanto-Funded Front Group Fights Milk Labeling

A new "grassroots" farmers' group with close ties to Monsanto has been formed to outlaw labels that would notify consumers they are buying milk from cows not treated with recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH). Monsanto genetically engineers rBGH, called Posilac, which is injected into cows, forcing them to produce more milk.



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