Public Relations

Image Over Substance: Nuclear Energy in the News

The New York Times profiles Jim Steets, Entergy Nuclear Northeast's external communications manager, who, we learn, has "an easy smile"; waxes "rhapsodic about the benefits and proficiencies of Indian Point," a nuclear power plant near New York City; and is "boyish-looking" and "well, a nice guy." In a shorter piece (albeit one further up in the paper), the Times reports that a Government Accountability Office audito


NY Times Says Wal-Mart Needs Better Story, Not More Spin

Wal-Mart CEO H. Lee Scott recently said, "We have not gotten our story out to the extent that we need to." The head of the global super store told a retailing conference that Wal-Mart's bad reputation came from newspapers and television. But a New York Times editorial responded that "if Wal-Mart wants to improve its image, it should focus less on shaping its message and more on changing the way it does business. ... These damaging news stories are not a product of bad spin, but bad facts.


Who's Driving the SUV Owners of America?

"It's hard to believe that there isn't an attempt to deceive here," writes PR commentator Paul Holmes, considering the industry group SUV Owners of America's self-description, on its website, as "a nonprofit consumer organization dedicated to supporting the rights and serving the interests of SUV owners," providing a "voice and advocate for SUV owners." But Holmes notes that "its board of directors consists largely of industry reps and


Former Foreign Friends

"Seven out of 10 Americans are worried about the worsening of their country's image around the world," according to a new poll by the University of Maryland and Globescan, "although almost three-quarters said world opinion would have no impact on their vote" for president. A German Marshall Fund transatlantic poll found that "76 percent of Europeans disapprove of current U.S.


Greening ExxonMobil

"Weber Shandwick is handling the 'greening' of ExxonMobil Corp. by promoting an alliance forged between the energy giant and Earth 911, a government/private sector entity with the motto of 'making every day Earth Day,'" O'Dwyer's PR Daily writes. "The partnership aims to educate consumers about the importance of recycling used motor oil.


When Is A Front Group Not A Front Group?

"We have been wrongfully labeled as an auto industry front group," Ron DeFore, communications director for SUV Owners of America, told PR Week. The group is running a campaign opposing proposed regulations in California to limit truck and SUV emissions. Defore is also a principal at Stratacom, a PR firm that counts the auto industry as one of its biggest clients.


Swift Boat Vets' Book Gets PR Help

"Conservative columnist Bob Novak has touted the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth book Unfit for Command without revealing that his son heads marketing and PR for its publisher," O'Dwyer's PR Daily reports. The New York Times writes that Novak has "lauded" the book in his syndicated columns and on CNN's 'Crossfire.' "Unmentioned in Mr.



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