
AIG Told to 'Fess Up About Its PR

"House Democrats are investigating American International Group Inc.'s role in a campaign to discredit its former chairman and chief executive officer, Maurice 'Hank' Greenberg, in the wake of federal bailouts to the insurance company totaling $182.5 billion," reports Bloomberg.


EDF Goes Nuclear on Greenpeace

An executive with the French government-owned energy company EDF "has been charged on suspicion of spying on the environmental group Greenpeace." The executive, "who previously worked as a police commander, is being investigated for conspiring to hack into Greenpeace France's computer system." Under investigation is whether EDF, "the world's biggest nuclear-reactor operator, hired a private detective agency run by a former member of the Frenc


Shell Ends Its Small Investment in Renewables

The oil company Shell, which recently launched a blog about climate change issues, announced that "it will no longer invest in renewable technologies such as wind, solar and hydro power because they are not economic." Instead, "it plans to invest more in biofuels which environmental groups blame for driving up food prices and deforestation." Shell will also work to develop "cleaner ways of using fossil fuels, such as


Multinational Corporations' New World Water

The fifth World Water Forum, in Istanbul, Turkey, is titled "Bridging Divides for Water." It's an ironic choice, writes Mark Hays, as the corporations steering the Forum "have a stake in maximizing profits from water services delivery and the current global water crisis." The Forum is organized by the World Water Council, "an organization founded, led and influenced by transnational corporations, international financial institutio


Wal-Mart Buys PR in Bulk

Wal-Mart Stores plans to hire a few outside public relations firms to develop "fresh, emotional PR programming" promoting its grocery, health, clothing, home, hardware, auto and entertainment products, along with Wal-Mart's events, financial services and website. Edelman, which has been Wal-Mart's main PR firm for three years, is among the five or six finalists for the major account.


"Countrywide" Goes the Way of "Blackwater"

Countrywide Financial, the company infamous for its role in the subprime mortgage crisis, is now called "Bank of America Home Loans." Bank of America, which purchased Countrywide in July 2008, is using the name change "to separate itself from Countrywide's reputation," reports the Wall Street Journal.


Developer's Casino in a Velvet Glove

J. Scott Trubey reports that documents, obtained under Georgia's freedom of information laws, revealed that Fleishman-Hillard (F-H) had been hired by Georgia Lottery to sell the concept of the state's first casino to legislators, business leaders and the public. Underground Atlanta, a shopping complex, was mentioned as a possible site for the introduction of a casino.



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