We Still Need Your Help: Urge the President to Put Warren to Work!

Elizabeth WarrenElizabeth Warren has been a strong and consistent critic of the failures of the Home Affordable Modification Program in her position on the Congressional Oversight Panel for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) bailout. She's also been a strong advocate for consumers through the entire bailout mess. Tell President Obama to put Warren to work by appointing her as head of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau by signing our petition today!


Elizabeth Warren's true value is she has the credibility to put the problems and issues in simple terms that can be understood and not distorted by political posturing with red herring issues.

She's proven her vision for the Bureau. We just need her in place to implement it.

Isn't it interesting that Wall Street bankers are so easily appointed to positions of power within our government with hardly a question raised. There seldom seems to be any question about where their true interests lie; whether they are, in fact, capable of fairly representing the interest of the American people given their obvious conflict of interest. (just look at all the former Goldman Sachs executives who have been and are now serving in key government positions. Why then should there be any question about the appointment of Elizabeth Warren, a highly capable and proven advocate of consumer protection who would truly represent the interest of all Americans rather than the special interests?