Submitted by Sheldon Rampton on
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jupiter replied on Permalink
If the war in Iraq was orchestrated (for underlying marketeering purposes, or whatever), then how much else in life is orchestrated for other underlying motives?
That this sort of sneaky marketeering (in my opinion) got into government means it is the tip of the iceberg of other sorts of covert plunder, pillaging, commandeering, etc., for gain and/or other covert agendas.
It is widespread to concoct lies to get what one wants and to control people. Now that this has spread into high level government, we are being forced to realize the phenomena of playing pious saint to appear trustworthy and God-like, while being a snake. It's Little Red Riding Hood all over again -- or the Wolf, rather, playing the meek and mind Grandmotherly role.
There was something else I was going to say on this but I've forgotten what it was.