Submitted by Sheldon Rampton on

"To plunder, to slaughter, to steal, these things they misname empire; and where they make a desert, they call it peace."—Tacitus
(Photo source: United Nations Integrated Regional Information Networks report)
(Photo source: United Nations Integrated Regional Information Networks report)
Shortly after attacking Iraq in March 2003, President Bush told wounded soldiers that "the war in Iraq is really about peace." Now it seems that 'peace' is breaking out in Lebanon too. The Washington Post reports that "Bush sees a step to peace" in the current "Mideast strife." According to White House counselor Dan Bartlett, "a moment of clarity has arrived."
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Mutternich replied on Permalink
Looks like Rice learned from Cheney's mistake
She said about Lebanon what he should have said about Iraq -- "birth pangs" of the new Middle East, rather than "final throes of the insurgency."