The Wolves Arrive in Sheepskins

"One of the most striking developments to come out of the three payola flaps involving conservative pundits that have surfaced recently," writes Brian Montopoli, "has been just how surprised the participants seem to be at the uproar that has greeted the exposure of their actions. ... Certainly, there does seem to be a feeling developing among some politicians and commentators on the take that the old, honor-based standards of journalism have grown quaint." He adds, "even though op-ed editors themselves know that many writers have an incentive not to disclose their connections, there isn't a lot they can do to fight back. ... Many editors lack the knowledge, expertise, and time necessary to weed out those trying to deceive them, and most of the op-ed editors contacted for this piece admitted -- off the record -- that they have been fooled more than once. And that's only the ones they're aware of."
